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Constrained BV functions on double coverings for Plateau's type problems

TitleConstrained BV functions on double coverings for Plateau's type problems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAmato, S, Bellettini, G, Paolini, M
JournalAdv. Calc. Var.

We link Brakke's "soap films" covering construction with the theory of finite perimeter sets, in order to study Plateau's problem without fixing a priori the topology of the solution. The minimization is set up in the class of $BV$ functions defined on a double covering space of the complement of an $(n − 2)$-dimensional smooth compact manifold $S$ without boundary. The main novelty of our approach stands in the presence of a suitable constraint on the fibers, which couples together the covering sheets. The model allows to avoid all issues concerning the presence of the boundary $S$. The constraint is lifted in a natural way to Sobolev spaces, allowing also an approach based on $Γ$-convergence theory.

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