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Riccardo Cristoferi

Phone Number: 
+39 040 3787 591

Personal Info

Essential Bio: 

Research: In my current research, under the supervision of prof. Massimiliano Morini I am studying the connection between the notions of stability and minimality for a class of energies that can be regarded as nonlocal variants of the perimeter functional, where the nonlocality may be given by an elastic term or by a long range interaction. The study of a second order sufficient conditions for having local minimality can provide a picture of the landscape of the local and sometimes also of the global minimizers. My research interests range among calculus of variations, geometric measure theory, mechanics of materials and partial differential equations.Other activities: I am the promoter and the organizer of the AJS (Analysis Junior Seminar) within the Analysis sector. These are informal presentation of each student of the sector by a general research overview. See here for the current program. I am also involved in the communication of science thanks to the activities organized by SISSA Medialab, such as SISSA per la Scuola 2014-2015, SISSA in festa 2014, SISSA @Trieste Next 2014. See here. Moreover I am involved in the social life of SISSA as SISSA Club Vice-president since December 2013. See here.Education: Current position: Ph.D Student SISSA - International School of Advanced Studies - Trieste Advisor: Prof. Massimiliano Morini 2011-2008: Master Degree University of Trento Advisor: Prof. Francesco Serra Cassano Thesis: The Bernstein problem in the euclidean and sub-Riemannian setting Laurea cum Laude2008-2005: Bachelor Degree University of Trento Advisor: Prof. Gabriele Greco Thesis: Paradosso di Banach-Tarski e gruppi ammissibili Laurea cum Laude


PhD in Applied Mathematics discussed on September 25, 2015
PhD Supervisor(s):

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