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Dubrovin B. Integrable systems and classification of 2D topological field theories. In: Integrable systems : the Verdier memorial conference : actes du colloque international de Luminy / Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier, Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach editors. - Boston [etc.] : Birkhauser, c1993. - p. 313-359. Integrable systems : the Verdier memorial conference : actes du colloque international de Luminy / Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier, Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach editors. - Boston [etc.] : Birkhauser, c1993. - p. 313-359. SISSA; 1993. Available from:
Dubrovin B. Topological conformal field theory from the point of view of integrable systems. In: Integrable quantum field theories / edited by L. Bonora .. \et al.! - New York : Plenum Press, 1993. - page : 283 - 302. Integrable quantum field theories / edited by L. Bonora .. \et al.! - New York : Plenum Press, 1993. - page : 283 - 302. SISSA; 1993. Available from:
Dell'Antonio G. Workshop on point interactions, Trieste, 21-23 December 1992. [Internet]. 1993 . Available from:
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Buttazzo G, Dal Maso G. Shape optimization for Dirichlet problems: relaxed solutions and optimality conditions. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) , 23 (1990), no.2, 531-535. [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:


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