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Antonić N, Erceg M, Michelangeli A. Friedrichs systems in a Hilbert space framework: solvability and multiplicity.; 2017. Available from:
Romor F, Torlo D, Rozza G. Friedrichs' systems discretized with the Discontinuous Galerkin method: domain decomposable model order reduction and Graph Neural Networks approximating vanishing viscosity solutions.; 2023.
Beretti T, Gennaioli L. Fourier transform of BV functions, isoperimetry, and discrepancy theory.; 2024.
Agostiniani V, DeSimone A, Lucantonio A, Lučić D. Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers.; 2018.
Berti M, Maspero A, Ventura P. First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water.; 2024. Available from:
Altafini C. Feedback control of spin systems.; 2007. Available from:
Ballarin F, Faggiano E, Manzoni A, Rozza G, Quarteroni A, Ippolito S, Scrofani R, Antona C. A fast virtual surgery platform for many scenarios haemodynamics of patient-specific coronary artery bypass grafts. Submitted; 2016. Available from:
Ballarin F, Faggiano E, Ippolito S, Manzoni A, Quarteroni A, Rozza G, Scrofani R. Fast simulations of patient-specific haemodynamics of coronary artery bypass grafts based on a POD-Galerkin method and a vascular shape parametrization.; 2015. Available from:
Brain S, Landi G. Families of Monads and Instantons from a Noncommutative ADHM Construction.; 2009. Available from:
Dubrovin B, Strachan IAB, Zhang Y, Zuo D. Extended affine Weyl groups of BCD type, Frobenius manifolds and their Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Dubrovin B, Youjin Z, Dafeng Z. Extended affine Weyl groups and Frobenius manifolds -- II.; 2006. Available from:
Barroso ACristina, Matias J, Morandotti M, Owen DR. Explicit formulas for relaxed disarrangement densities arising from structured deformations. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Romor F, Stabile G, Rozza G. Explicable hyper-reduced order models on nonlinearly approximated solution manifolds of compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.; 2023.
Caravenna L. An existence result for the Monge problem in R^n with norm cost.; 2009. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Larsen CJ, Toader R. Existence for elastodynamic Griffith fracture with a weak maximal dissipation condition.; 2018. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Larsen CJ, Toader R. Existence for constrained dynamic Griffith fracture with a weak maximal dissipation condition.; 2015. Available from:
Nardini L, Riva F. Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping.; 2018. Available from:
Zizza M. An example of a weakly mixing BV vector field which is not strongly mixing.; 2022.
Alberti G, Bianchini S, Caravenna L. Eulerian, Lagrangian and Broad continuous solutions to a balance law with non convex flux II.; 2016. Available from:
Gigli N, Pasqualetto E. Equivalence of two different notions of tangent bundle on rectifiable metric measure spaces.; 2016.
Balogh F, Merzi D. Equilibrium measures for a class of potentials with discrete rotational symmetries. SISSA; 2013. Available from:
Shevchishin V, Smirnov G. Elliptic diffeomorphisms of symplectic 4-manifolds.; 2017. Available from:
Manzoni A. An efficient computational framework for reduced basis approximation and a posteriori error estimation of parametrized Navier-Stokes flows.; 2014.
Alicandro R, Lazzaroni G, Palombaro M. On the effect of interactions beyond nearest neighbours on non-convex lattice systems.; 2017. Available from:
Caragiulo F, Mastropietro V, Porta M. Edge transport in Haldane-like models with quasi-periodic disorder.; 2024.


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