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Cangiani A, Sutton OJ, Gyrya V, Manzini G. Virtual element methods for elliptic problems on polygonal meshes. In: Generalized barycentric coordinates in computer graphics and computational mechanics. Generalized barycentric coordinates in computer graphics and computational mechanics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL; 2018. pp. 263–279.
Cangiani A, Chatzipantelidis P, Diwan G, Georgoulis EH. Virtual element method for quasilinear elliptic problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis [Internet]. 2019 ;40:2450-2472. Available from:
Cangiani A, Dong Z, Georgoulis EH. $hp$-version space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic problems on prismatic meshes. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. [Internet]. 2017 ;39:A1251–A1279. Available from:
Cangiani A, Georgoulis EH, Houston P. $hp$-version discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. [Internet]. 2014 ;24:2009–2041. Available from:
Cangiani A, Dong Z, Georgoulis EH, Houston P. $hp$-version discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes. Springer, Cham; 2017 p. viii+131.
Cangiani A, Dong Z, Georgoulis EH, Houston P. $hp$-version discontinuous Galerkin methods for advection-diffusion-reaction problems on polytopic meshes. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. [Internet]. 2016 ;50:699–725. Available from:
Cangiani A, Georgoulis EH, Giani S, Metcalfe S. hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for non-stationary convection–diffusion problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2019 ;78:3090-3104. Available from:
Cangiani A, Manzini G, Russo A, Sukumar N. Hourglass stabilization and the virtual element method. Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. [Internet]. 2015 ;102:404–436. Available from:
Cangiani A, Manzini G, Russo A, Sukumar N. Hourglass stabilization and the virtual element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering [Internet]. 2015 ;102:404-436. Available from:
Cangiani A, Süli E. Enhanced RFB method. Numer. Math. [Internet]. 2005 ;101:273–308. Available from:
Cangiani A, Süli E. Enhanced residual-free bubble method for convection-diffusion problems. In: Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids. Vol. 47. Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids. ; 2005. pp. 1307–1313. Available from:


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