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Riccobelli D, Ciarletta P. Rayleigh–Taylor instability in soft elastic layers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 2017 ;375.
Narain KS, Piazzalunga N, Tanzini A. Real topological string amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics [Internet]. 2017 ;2017:80. Available from:
Chen P, Quarteroni A, Rozza G. Reduced Basis Methods for Uncertainty Quantification. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification. 2017 ;5(1):869.
Lorenzi S, Cammi A, Luzzi L, Rozza G. A reduced order model for investigating the dynamics of the Gen-IV LFR coolant pool. Applied Mathematical Modelling [Internet]. 2017 ;46:263-284. Available from:
Ballarin F, Rozza G, Maday Y. Reduced-order semi-implicit schemes for fluid-structure interaction problems. In: Benner P, Ohlberger M, Patera A, Rozza G, Urban K Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Springer International Publishing; 2017. pp. 149–167.
Marconi E. Regularity estimates for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension.; 2017. Available from:
Olgiati A. Remarks on the Derivation of Gross-Pitaevskii Equation with Magnetic Laplacian. In: Michelangeli A, Dell'Antonio G Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems. Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2017. pp. 257–266. Available from:
Gigli N, Tamanini L. Second order differentiation formula on compact RCD*(K,N) spaces.; 2017.
Gallone M. Self-Adjoint Extensions of Dirac Operator with Coulomb Potential. SISSA; 2017. Available from:
Gallone M, Michelangeli A. Self-adjoint realisations of the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian for heavy nuclei.; 2017. Available from:
Bruzzo U, Lanza V, Lo Giudice A. Semistable Higgs Bundles on Calabi-Yau Manifolds.; 2017. Available from:
Paoli E. Small Time Asymptotics on the Diagonal for Hörmander's Type Hypoelliptic Operators. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems [Internet]. 2017 ;23:111–143. Available from:
Ambrosi D, Pezzuto S, Riccobelli D, Stylianopoulos T, Ciarletta P. Solid tumors are poroelastic solids with a chemo-mechanical feedback on growth. J. Elast. 2017 ;129:107–124.
Becker S, Michelangeli A, Ottolini A. Spectral Properties of the 2+1 Fermionic Trimer with Contact Interactions. [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Gidoni P, DeSimone A. Stasis domains and slip surfaces in the locomotion of a bio-inspired two-segment crawler. Meccanica [Internet]. 2017 ;52:587–601. Available from:
Bertola M, Korotkin D, Norton C. Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates. Inventiones Mathematicae [Internet]. 2017 :1–56. Available from:
Bianchini S, Bonicatto P. A uniqueness result for the decomposition of vector fields in Rd. SISSA; 2017. Available from:
Bertola M, Cafasso M. Universality of the matrix Airy and Bessel functions at spectral edges of unitary ensembles. Random Matrices Theory Appl. [Internet]. 2017 ;6:1750010, 22. Available from:
Tikan A, Billet C, El G, Tovbis A, Bertola M, Sylvestre T, Gustave F, Randoux S, Genty G, Suret P, et al. Universality of the Peregrine Soliton in the Focusing Dynamics of the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Phys. Rev. Lett. [Internet]. 2017 ;119:033901. Available from:
Mola A, Heltai L, DeSimone A. Wet and Dry Transom Stern Treatment for Unsteady and Nonlinear Potential Flow Model for Naval Hydrodynamics Simulations. Journal of Ship Research. 2017 ;61:1–14.
Cangiani A, Georgoulis EH, Kyza I, Metcalfe S. Adaptivity and blow-up detection for nonlinear evolution problems. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. [Internet]. 2016 ;38:A3833–A3856. Available from:
Salmoiraghi F, Ballarin F, Corsi G, Mola A, Tezzele M, Rozza G. Advances in geometrical parametrization and reduced order models and methods for computational fluid dynamics problems in applied sciences and engineering: overview and perspectives. In: Papadrakakis M, Papadopoulos V, Stefanou G, Plevris V Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Congress 2016, VII European Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering,. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Congress 2016, VII European Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering,. Crete, Greece: ECCOMAS; 2016.
Bellettini G, Tealdi L, Paolini M. On the area of the graph of a piecewise smooth map from the plane to the plane with a curve discontinuity. ESAIM: COCV [Internet]. 2016 ;22(1):29-63. Available from:
Bertola M, Tovbis A. On asymptotic regimes of orthogonal polynomials with complex varying quartic exponential weight. SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. [Internet]. 2016 ;12:Paper No. 118, 50 pages. Available from:
Gigli N, Pasqualetto E. Behaviour of the reference measure on RCD spaces under charts.; 2016.


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