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Lerario A, Rizzi L, Tiberio D. Sard properties for polynomial maps in infinite dimension. [Internet]. 2024 . Available from:
Lewicka M, Mora MG, Pakzad MR. A nonlinear theory for shells with slowly varying thickness. C. R. Math. 347 (2009) 211-216 [Internet]. 2009 . Available from:
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Lewicka M, Lučić D. Dimension reduction for thin films with transversally varying prestrain: the oscillatory and the non-oscillatory case.; 2018.
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Lo Giudice A, Cacciola S, Donten-Bury M, Dumitrescu O, Park J. Cones of divisors of blow-ups of projective spaces. Le Matematiche (Catania), volume 66, Issue no.2, (2011), pages : 153-187 [Internet]. 2011 . Available from:
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Luzzatto S, Türeli S, War KMbacke. Integrability of dominated decompositions on three-dimensional manifolds. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2017 ;37:606–620.
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Luzzatto S, Türeli S, War KMbacke. A Frobenius theorem for corank-1 continuous distributions in dimensions two and three. International Journal of Mathematics [Internet]. 2016 ;27:1650061. Available from:


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