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Gallone M, Michelangeli A. Self-adjoint realisations of the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian for heavy nuclei.; 2017. Available from:
Bruzzo U, Lanza V, Lo Giudice A. Semistable Higgs Bundles on Calabi-Yau Manifolds.; 2017. Available from:
Paoli E. Small Time Asymptotics on the Diagonal for Hörmander's Type Hypoelliptic Operators. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems [Internet]. 2017 ;23:111–143. Available from:
Ambrosi D, Pezzuto S, Riccobelli D, Stylianopoulos T, Ciarletta P. Solid tumors are poroelastic solids with a chemo-mechanical feedback on growth. J. Elast. 2017 ;129:107–124.
Becker S, Michelangeli A, Ottolini A. Spectral Properties of the 2+1 Fermionic Trimer with Contact Interactions. [Internet]. 2017 . Available from:
Gidoni P, DeSimone A. Stasis domains and slip surfaces in the locomotion of a bio-inspired two-segment crawler. Meccanica [Internet]. 2017 ;52:587–601. Available from:
Bertola M, Korotkin D, Norton C. Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates. Inventiones Mathematicae [Internet]. 2017 :1–56. Available from:
Bianchini S, Bonicatto P. A uniqueness result for the decomposition of vector fields in Rd. SISSA; 2017. Available from:
Bertola M, Cafasso M. Universality of the matrix Airy and Bessel functions at spectral edges of unitary ensembles. Random Matrices Theory Appl. [Internet]. 2017 ;6:1750010, 22. Available from:
Tikan A, Billet C, El G, Tovbis A, Bertola M, Sylvestre T, Gustave F, Randoux S, Genty G, Suret P, et al. Universality of the Peregrine Soliton in the Focusing Dynamics of the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Phys. Rev. Lett. [Internet]. 2017 ;119:033901. Available from:
Mola A, Heltai L, DeSimone A. Wet and Dry Transom Stern Treatment for Unsteady and Nonlinear Potential Flow Model for Naval Hydrodynamics Simulations. Journal of Ship Research. 2017 ;61:1–14.
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Cangiani A, Georgoulis EH, Sabawi YA. Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic interface problems. Math. Comp. [Internet]. 2018 ;87:2675–2707. Available from:
Berti M, Delort J-M. Almost global solutions of capillary-gravity water waves equations on the circle. Springer, Cham; Unione Matematica Italiana, [Bologna]; 2018 p. x+268. Available from:
Lazzaroni G, Nardini L. Analysis of a Dynamic Peeling Test with Speed-Dependent Toughness. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics [Internet]. 2018 ;78:1206-1227. Available from:
Bräunlich G, Hasler D, Lange M. On asymptotic expansions in spin-boson models. Ann. Henri Poincaré [Internet]. 2018 ;19:515–564. Available from:
Rafiei S, Noroozi B, Heltai L, Haghi AK. An authenticated theoretical modeling of electrified fluid jet in core–shell nanofibers production. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES. 2018 ;47:1791–1811.
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Cesarano L. Canonical Surfaces and Hypersurfaces in Abelian Varieties.; 2018. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Toader R. On the Cauchy problem for the wave equation on time-dependent domains. SISSA; 2018. Available from:
Martini I, Haasdonk B, Rozza G. Certified Reduced Basis Approximation for the Coupling of Viscous and Inviscid Parametrized Flow Models. Journal of Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2018 ;74:197-219. Available from:
Bianchini S, Spinolo L. Characteristic boundary layers for mixed hyperbolic systems in one space dimension and applications to the Navier-Stokes and MHD equations. SISSA; 2018. Available from:
Crismale V, Lazzaroni G, Orlando G. Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2018 ;28:1371-1412. Available from:
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Giantesio G, Musesti A, Riccobelli D. A Comparison Between Active Strain and Active Stress in Transversely Isotropic Hyperelastic Materials. J. Elast. 2018 .


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