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Book Chapter
Ambrosetti A, Berti M. Applications of critical point theory to homoclinics and complex dynamics. In: Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems. ; 1998. pp. 72–78.
Rozza G, Hess MW, Stabile G, Tezzele M, Ballarin F. Basic ideas and tools for projection-based model reduction of parametric partial differential equations. In: Model Order Reduction, Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms. Model Order Reduction, Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2020. pp. 1 - 47. Available from:
Tezzele M, Ballarin F, Rozza G. Combined parameter and model reduction of cardiovascular problems by means of active subspaces and POD-Galerkin methods. In: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Springer; 2018. pp. 185–207.
Marino E, Stabile G, Borri C, Lugni C. A comparative study about the effects of linear, weakly and fully nonlinear wave models on the dynamic response of offshore wind turbines. In: Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. CRC Press; 2013. pp. 389–390.
Boffi D, Gastaldi L, Heltai L. A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with compressible solids. In: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Vol. 16. Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. pp. 1–21. Available from:
Bianchini S, Bonicatto P. Failure of the Chain Rule in the Non Steady Two-Dimensional Setting. In: Rassias TM Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg. Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. pp. 33–60. Available from:
Bianchini S, Bonicatto P. Failure of the Chain Rule in the Non Steady Two-Dimensional Setting. In: Rassias TM Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg. Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. pp. 33–60. Available from:
Berti M. A functional analysis approach to Arnold diffusion. In: Symmetry and perturbation theory (Cala Gonone, 2001). Symmetry and perturbation theory (Cala Gonone, 2001). World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ; 2001. pp. 29–31. Available from:
Bertola M. Jacobi groups, Jacobi forms and their applications. In: Isomonodromic deformations and applications in physics (Montréal, QC, 2000). Vol. 31. Isomonodromic deformations and applications in physics (Montréal, QC, 2000). Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc.; 2002. pp. 99–111.
Bertola M, Corbetta F, Moschella U. Massless scalar field in a two-dimensional de Sitter universe. In: Rigorous quantum field theory. Vol. 251. Rigorous quantum field theory. Basel: Birkhäuser; 2007. pp. 27–38.
Berti M, Bolle P. A Nash-Moser approach to KAM theory. In: Hamiltonian partial differential equations and applications. Vol. 75. Hamiltonian partial differential equations and applications. Fields Inst. Res. Math. Sci., Toronto, ON; 2015. pp. 255–284. Available from:
Berti M, Bolle P. A Nash-Moser approach to KAM theory. In: Hamiltonian partial differential equations and applications. Vol. 75. Hamiltonian partial differential equations and applications. Fields Inst. Res. Math. Sci., Toronto, ON; 2015. pp. 255–284. Available from:
Berti M. Nonlinear vibrations of completely resonant wave equations. In: Fixed point theory and its applications. Vol. 77. Fixed point theory and its applications. Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw; 2007. pp. 49–60. Available from:
Ali S, Ballarin F, Rozza G. An Online Stabilization Method for Parametrized Viscous Flows. In: Reduction, Approximation, Machine Learning, Surrogates, Emulators and Simulators. Reduction, Approximation, Machine Learning, Surrogates, Emulators and Simulators. Springer, Cham; 2024. Available from:
Berti M. Quasi-periodic solutions of PDEs. In: Séminaire Laurent Schwartz–-Équations aux dérivées partielles et applications. Année 2011–2012. Séminaire Laurent Schwartz–-Équations aux dérivées partielles et applications. Année 2011–2012. École Polytech., Palaiseau; 2013. p. Exp. No. XXX, 11.
Marigo A, Piccoli B, Bicchi A. Reachability Analysis for a Class of Quantized Control Systems. In: Proc. 39th IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control 4 (2000) 3963-3968. Proc. 39th IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control 4 (2000) 3963-3968. IEEE; 2000. Available from:
Ballarin F, Rozza G, Maday Y. Reduced-order semi-implicit schemes for fluid-structure interaction problems. In: Benner P, Ohlberger M, Patera A, Rozza G, Urban K Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Springer International Publishing; 2017. pp. 149–167.
Ballarin F, Rozza G, Maday Y. Reduced-order semi-implicit schemes for fluid-structure interaction problems. In: Benner P, Ohlberger M, Patera A, Rozza G, Urban K Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. Springer International Publishing; 2017. pp. 149–167.
Alberti G, Bianchini S, Caravenna L. Reduction on characteristics for continuous of a scalar balance law. In: AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics, vol. 8 (2014): 399 - 406. AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics, vol. 8 (2014): 399 - 406. SISSA; 2014. Available from:
Boscain U, Piccoli B. A short introduction to optimal control. In: Contrôle non linéaire et applications: Cours donnés à l\\\'école d\\\'été du Cimpa de l\\\'Université de Tlemcen / Sari Tewfit [ed.]. - Paris: Hermann, 2005. Contrôle non linéaire et applications: Cours donnés à l\\\'école d\\\'été du Cimpa de l\\\'Université de Tlemcen / Sari Tewfit [ed.]. - Paris: Hermann, 2005. ; 2005. Available from:


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