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Boiardi AS, Marchello R. Breaking the left-right symmetry in fluttering artificial cilia that perform nonreciprocal oscillations. [Internet]. 2024 . Available from:
Piani S, Heltai L, Rotundo N, Lei W, Farrell P. Data-driven solutions of ill-posed inverse problems arising from doping reconstruction in semiconductors. Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2024 ;32:2323626. Available from:
Berti M, Maspero A, Ventura P. First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water.; 2024.
Berti M, Corsi L, Maspero A, Ventura P. Infinitely many isolas of modulational instability for Stokes waves.; 2024.
Berti M. KAM for Vortex Patches. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics [Internet]. 2024 ;29(4):654 - 676. Available from:
Boiardi AS, Noselli G. Minimal actuation and control of a soft hydrogel swimmer from flutter instability. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids [Internet]. 2024 ;191:105753. Available from:
Marchello R, Colombi A, Preziosi L, Giverso C. A non local model for cell migration in response to mechanical stimuli. Mathematical Biosciences [Internet]. 2024 ;368:109124. Available from:
Prusak I, Torlo D, Nonino M, Rozza G. Optimisation–Based Coupling of Finite Element Model and Reduced Order Model for Computational Fluid Dynamics.; 2024.
Prusak I, Torlo D, Nonino M, Rozza G. An optimisation–based domain–decomposition reduced order model for parameter–dependent non–stationary fluid dynamics problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2024 ;166:253-268. Available from:
Berti M, Franzoi L, Maspero A. Pure gravity traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. [Internet]. 2024 ;77:990–1064. Available from:
Berti M, Feola R, Procesi M, Terracina S. Reducibility of Klein-Gordon equations with maximal order perturbations. [Internet]. 2024 . Available from:
Berti M, Maspero A, Ventura P. Stokes waves at the critical depth are modulationally unstable. Comm. Math. Phys. [Internet]. 2024 ;405:Paper No. 56, 67. Available from:
Berti M, Langella B, Silimbani D. Time periodic solutions of completely resonant Klein-Gordon equations on $\mathbbS^3$. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré C Anal. Non Linéaire . 2024 .
Hosseini A, Noselli G, Giugliano M. Two-photon polymerization 3D-printing of micro-scale neuronal cell culture devices. Journal of Visualized Experiments [Internet]. 2024 ;208:e66142. Available from:
Asselle L, Benedetti G, Berti M. Zoll magnetic systems on the two-torus: A Nash–Moser construction. Advances in Mathematics [Internet]. 2024 ;452:109826. Available from:
Salavatidezfouli S, Hajisharifi S, Girfoglio M, Stabile G, Rozza G. Applicable Methodologies for the Mass Transfer Phenomenon in Tumble Dryers: A Review. 2023 .
Berti M, Maspero A, Ventura P. Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in finite depth. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. [Internet]. 2023 ;247:Paper No. 91, 54. Available from:
Berti M, Feola R, Pusateri F. Birkhoff normal form and long time existence for periodic gravity water waves. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. [Internet]. 2023 ;76:1416–1494. Available from:
Beretti T. On the distribution of the van der Corput sequences. Archiv der Mathematik. 2023 .
Bigoni D, Dal Corso F, Kirillov ON, Misseroni D, Noselli G, Piccolroaz A. Flutter instability in solids and structures, with a view on biomechanics and metamaterials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A [Internet]. 2023 ;479:20230523. Available from:
Gigli N, Marconi F. A general splitting principle on RCD spaces and applications to spaces with positive spectrum.; 2023.
Berti M, Maspero A, Murgante F. Hamiltonian paradifferential Birkhoff normal form for water waves. Regul. Chaotic Dyn. [Internet]. 2023 ;28:543–560. Available from:
Ferrari M, Sillari L. On the Minimal Number of Solutions of the Equation φ(n+k)=Mφ(n), M=1,2. Journal of Integer Sequences [Internet]. 2023 ;26. Available from:


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