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Reduced order modelling in bifurcating parametrised Von Karman plate equations

Federico Pichi
Friday, October 26, 2018 - 14:00

The aim of this work is to show the applicability of the reduced basis model reduction in nonlinear systems undergoing bifurcations. Bifurcation analysis, i.e., following the different bifurcating branches, as well as determining the bifurcation points itself, is a complex computational task. Reduced Order Models (ROM) can potentially reduce the computational burden by several orders of magnitude, in particular in conjunction with sampling techniques.

We focus on nonlinear structural mechanics, and we deal with an application of ROM to Von Kármán plate equations, where the buckling effect arises, adopting reduced basis method. Moreover, in the search of the bifurcation points, it is crucial to supplement the full problem with a reduced generalized parametric eigenvalue problem, properly paired with state equations and also a reduced order error analysis. These studies are carried out in view of vibroacoustic applications (in collaboration with A.T. Patera at MIT). 

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