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Giovanni Bellettini

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Filters: Author is Giovanni Bellettini
Journal Article
Bellettini G, Novaga M, Kholmatov S. Minimizing movements for mean curvature flow of droplets with prescribed contact angle. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées [Internet]. 2018 ;117:1 - 58. Available from:
Bellettini G, Kholmatov S. Minimizing Movements for Mean Curvature Flow of Partitions. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis [Internet]. 2018 ;50:4117-4148. Available from:
Bellettini G, Novaga M, Kholmatov S. Minimizers of anisotropic perimeters with cylindrical norms. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis [Internet]. 2017 ;16:1427. Available from:
Bellettini G, Tealdi L, Paolini M. On the area of the graph of a piecewise smooth map from the plane to the plane with a curve discontinuity. ESAIM: COCV [Internet]. 2016 ;22(1):29-63. Available from:
Amato S, Tealdi L, Bellettini G. Anisotropic mean curvature on facets and relations with capillarity. [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Amato S, Bellettini G, Paolini M. Constrained BV functions on double coverings for Plateau's type problems. Adv. Calc. Var. 2015 .

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