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Gianluigi Rozza

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Karatzas EN, Stabile G, Atallah N, Scovazzi G, Rozza G. A Reduced Order Approach for the Embedded Shifted Boundary FEM and a Heat Exchange System on Parametrized Geometries. In: Fehr J, Haasdonk B IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018. IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018. Springer International Publishing; 2020. Available from:
Zainib Z, Ballarin F, Fremes SE, Triverio P, Jiménez-Juan L, Rozza G. Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in coronary bypass grafts, toward patient-specific data assimilation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringInt J Numer Meth Biomed Engng [Internet]. 2020 ;n/a(n/a):e3367. Available from:
Demo N, Tezzele M, Mola A, Rozza G. A complete data-driven framework for the efficient solution of parametric shape design and optimisation in naval engineering problems. In: 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2019. 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2019. ; 2019. Available from:
Demo N, Tezzele M, Mola A, Rozza G. A complete data-driven framework for the efficient solution of parametric shape design and optimisation in naval engineering problems. In: VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering. VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering. ; 2019. Available from:
Mola A, Tezzele M, Gadalla M, Valdenazzi F, Grassi D, Padovan R, Rozza G. Efficient reduction in shape parameter space dimension for ship propeller blade design. In: 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2019. 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2019. ; 2019. Available from:


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