You are hereHome » Rafael Torres Boris Stupovski 2019-2020 Existence of Riemannian metrics with positive biorthogonal curvature on simply connected 5-manifolds Rafael Torres Related publication(s): Existence of Riemannian metrics with positive biorthogonal curvature on simply connected 5-manifolds (2020) B. Stupovski; R. Torres Gleb Smirnov 2017-2018 Symplectic Isotopy Conjecture for elliptic ruled surfaces. Boris Dubrovin, Rafael Torres Related publication(s): Topology change and selection rules for high-dimensional spin(1,n)0-Lorentzian cobordisms (2020) G. Smirnov; R. Torres Elliptic diffeomorphisms of symplectic 4-manifolds (2017) V. Shevchishin; G. Smirnov Ui ri Mun 2017-2018 Constructions of stable generalized complex 6-manifolds and their fundamental groups Rafael Torres