Daniele Dimonte
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Konstantin Aleshkin
2018-2019 -
Zakia Zainib
2018-2019Related publication(s):
- Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (2021)
- Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in coronary bypass grafts, toward patient-specific data assimilation (2020)
Giuseppe Pitton
2017-2018Numerical study of dispersive shock waves in the KPI equationRelated publication(s):
Luca Cesarano
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Khazhgali Kozhasov
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Riccardo Iraso
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Enrico Pasqualetto
2017-2018Related publication(s):
- Parallel transport on non-collapsed $\mathsfRCD(K,N)$ spaces (2021)
- On master test plans for the space of BV functions (2021)
- Quasi-continuous vector fields on RCD spaces (2019)
- The Serre–Swan theorem for normed modules (2019)
- Differential structure associated to axiomatic Sobolev spaces (2019)
- On the notion of parallel transport on RCD spaces (2018)
- Differential of metric valued Sobolev maps (2018)
- Behaviour of the reference measure on RCD spaces under charts (2016)
- Equivalence of two different notions of tangent bundle on rectifiable metric measure spaces (2016)
Ui ri Mun
2017-2018 -
Matteo Caorsi
2017-2018 -
Jacopo Bassi
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Giuseppe Pitton
2017-2018Numerical study of dispersive shock waves in the KPI equationRelated publication(s):
Gleb Smirnov
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Shafqat Ali
2017-2018Stabilized reduced basis methods for the approximation of parametrized viscous flowsRelated publication(s):
- A reduced basis stabilization for the unsteady Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations (2023)
- The Effort of Increasing Reynolds Number in Projection-Based Reduced Order Methods: from Laminar to Turbulent Flows (2020)
- Stabilized reduced basis methods for parametrized steady Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations (2020)
Raffaele Scandone
2017-2018Related publication(s):
- Point-Like Perturbed Fractional Laplacians Through Shrinking Potentials of Finite Range (2019)
- Zero modes and low-energy resolvent expansion for three dimensional Schrodinger operators with point interactions (2019)
- On real resonances for the three-dimensional, multi-centre point interaction (2018)
- Singular Hartree equation in fractional perturbed Sobolev spaces (2018)
- Lp-Boundedness of Wave Operators for the Three-Dimensional Multi-Centre Point Interaction (2018)
- On fractional powers of singular perturbations of the Laplacian (2018)
- Global, finite energy, weak solutions for the NLS with rough, time-dependent magnetic potentials (2018)
- Fractional powers and singular perturbations of quantum differential Hamiltonians (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Danka Lučić
2017-2018Related publication(s):
- The Serre–Swan theorem for normed modules (2019)
- Heterogeneous elastic plates with in-plane modulation of the target curvature and applications to thin gel sheets (2018)
- Dimension reduction for thin films with transversally varying prestrain: the oscillatory and the non-oscillatory case (2018)
- Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers (2018)
Felice Iandoli
2017-2018Local and almost global solutions for fully non-linear Schrödinger equations on the circleRelated publication(s):
- Long-time stability of the quantum hydrodynamic system on irrational tori (2022)
- Local well-posedness for quasi-linear NLS with large Cauchy data on the circle (2019)
- Long time existence for fully nonlinear NLS with small Cauchy data on the circle (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Andrea Maiorana
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Gleb Smirnov
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Shafqat Ali
2017-2018Stabilized reduced basis methods for the approximation of parametrized viscous flowsRelated publication(s):
- A reduced basis stabilization for the unsteady Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations (2023)
- The Effort of Increasing Reynolds Number in Projection-Based Reduced Order Methods: from Laminar to Turbulent Flows (2020)
- Stabilized reduced basis methods for parametrized steady Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations (2020)
Danka Lučić
2017-2018Related publication(s):
- The Serre–Swan theorem for normed modules (2019)
- Heterogeneous elastic plates with in-plane modulation of the target curvature and applications to thin gel sheets (2018)
- Dimension reduction for thin films with transversally varying prestrain: the oscillatory and the non-oscillatory case (2018)
- Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers (2018)
Felice Iandoli
2017-2018Local and almost global solutions for fully non-linear Schrödinger equations on the circleRelated publication(s):
- Long-time stability of the quantum hydrodynamic system on irrational tori (2022)
- Local well-posedness for quasi-linear NLS with large Cauchy data on the circle (2019)
- Long time existence for fully nonlinear NLS with small Cauchy data on the circle (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Alessandro Olgiati
2017-2018Related publication(s):
- Ground state energy of mixture of Bose gases (2019)
- On some rigorous aspects of fragmented condensation (2018)
- Singular Hartree equation in fractional perturbed Sobolev spaces (2018)
- Effective non-linear spinor dynamics in a spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensate (2018)
- Mean-field quantum dynamics for a mixture of Bose–Einstein condensates (2017)
- Gross-Pitaevskii non-linear dynamics for pseudo-spinor condensates (2017)
- Effective Non-linear Dynamics of Binary Condensates and Open Problems (2017)
- Remarks on the Derivation of Gross-Pitaevskii Equation with Magnetic Laplacian (2017)
Lorenzo Guglielmi
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Khazhgali Kozhasov
2017-2018Related publication(s):
Ivan Beschastnyi
2017-2018 -
Lorenzo Nardini
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping (2018)
- On the Quasistatic Limit of Dynamic Evolutions for a Peeling Test in Dimension One (2018)
- Analysis of a Dynamic Peeling Test with Speed-Dependent Toughness (2018)
- On the 1D wave equation in time-dependent domains and the problem of debond initiation (2017)
- A Note on the Convergence of Singularly Perturbed Second Order Potential-Type Equations (2017)
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a peeling test in dimension one (2016)
Paolo Bonicatto
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Failure of the Chain Rule in the Non Steady Two-Dimensional Setting (2018)
- On Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to Transport Equation with Non-smooth Velocity Field (2018)
- A uniqueness result for the decomposition of vector fields in Rd (2017)
- A Lagrangian approach for scalar multi-d conservation laws (2017)
- Lagrangian representations for linear and nonlinear transport (2017)
- Renormalization for Autonomous Nearly Incompressible BV Vector Fields in Two Dimensions (2016)
Luca Tamanini
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Benamou–Brenier and duality formulas for the entropic cost on RCD*(K,N) spaces (2019)
- An entropic interpolation proof of the HWI inequality (2019)
- Second order differentiation formula on RCD(K, N) spaces (2018)
- Second order differentiation formula on RCD*(K,N) spaces (2018)
- Second order differentiation formula on compact RCD*(K,N) spaces (2017)
Filippo Giuliani
2016-2017 -
Carolina Biolo
2016-2017 -
Giordano Cotti
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Isomonodromy deformations at an irregular singularity with coalescing eigenvalues (2019)
- Local moduli of semisimple Frobenius coalescent structures (2018)
- Analytic geometry of semisimple coalescent Frobenius structures (2017)
- Coalescence Phenomenon of Quantum Cohomology of Grassmannians and the Distribution of Prime Numbers (2016)
Chiara Rigoni
2016-2017Related publication(s):
Shokhrukh Kholmatov
2016-2017 -
Elio Marconi
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Regularity estimates for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension (2018)
- A Lagrangian approach for scalar multi-d conservation laws (2017)
- Lagrangian representations for linear and nonlinear transport (2017)
- On the structure of $L^\infty$-entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws in one-space dimension (2016)
- On the concentration of entropy for scalar conservation laws (2016)
Lorenzo Nardini
2016-2017Related publication(s):
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping (2018)
- On the Quasistatic Limit of Dynamic Evolutions for a Peeling Test in Dimension One (2018)
- Analysis of a Dynamic Peeling Test with Speed-Dependent Toughness (2018)
- On the 1D wave equation in time-dependent domains and the problem of debond initiation (2017)
- A Note on the Convergence of Singularly Perturbed Second Order Potential-Type Equations (2017)
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a peeling test in dimension one (2016)
Khadim Mbacke War
2015-2016 -
Francesco Boarotto
2015-2016 -
Gianluca Orlando
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue (2018)
- Lower semicontinuity of a class of integral functionals on the space of functions of bounded deformation (2017)
- Fracture models for elasto-plastic materials as limits of gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: the antiplane case (2016)
- Laplace equation in a domain with a rectilinear crack: higher order derivatives of the energy with respect to the crack length (2014)
Nicolò Piazzalunga
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Fosco Loregian
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Vito Crismale
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue (2018)
- Quasistatic crack growth based on viscous approximation: a model with branching and kinking (2017)
- Globally stable quasistatic evolution for strain gradient plasticity coupled with damage (2017)
- Viscous approximation of quasistatic evolutions for a coupled elastoplastic-damage model (2016)
- Globally stable quasistatic evolution for a coupled elastoplastic–damage model (2016)
Matteo Rizzi
2015-2016 -
José Gustavo El...
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Massimiliano Ronzani
2015-2016 -
Gianluca Orlando
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue (2018)
- Lower semicontinuity of a class of integral functionals on the space of functions of bounded deformation (2017)
- Fracture models for elasto-plastic materials as limits of gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: the antiplane case (2016)
- Laplace equation in a domain with a rectilinear crack: higher order derivatives of the energy with respect to the crack length (2014)
Benjamin Kipkir...
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Aditya Bawane
2015-2016New Results in the AGT CorrespondenceRelated publication(s):
Paolo Gidoni
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers (2021)
- On the genesis of directional friction through bristle-like mediating elements (2017)
- Stasis domains and slip surfaces in the locomotion of a bio-inspired two-segment crawler (2017)
- An avoiding cones condition for the Poincaré–Birkhoff Theorem (2017)
- Generalizing the Poincaré–Miranda theorem: the avoiding cones condition (2016)
- Periodic perturbations of Hamiltonian systems (2016)
- Liquid crystal elastomer strips as soft crawlers (2015)
- A permanence theorem for local dynamical systems (2015)
- Crawling on directional surfaces (2014)
Guglielmo Feltrin
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- Positive subharmonic solutions to nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight (2018)
- Positive solutions for super-sublinear indefinite problems: high multiplicity results via coincidence degree (2018)
- Multiple positive solutions of a sturm-liouville boundary value problem with conflicting nonlinearities (2017)
- An application of coincidence degree theory to cyclic feedback type systems associated with nonlinear differential operators (2017)
- A note on a fixed point theorem on topological cylinders (2017)
- Multiplicity of positive periodic solutions in the superlinear indefinite case via coincidence degree (2017)
- Pairs of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight: a topological degree approach for the super-sublinear case (2016)
- Existence of positive solutions of a superlinear boundary value problem with indefinite weight (2015)
- Multiple positive solutions for a superlinear problem: a topological approach (2015)
- Existence of positive solutions in the superlinear case via coincidence degree: the Neumann and the periodic boundary value problems (2015)
José Gustavo El...
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Jacopo Vittorio...
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Paolo Gidoni
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers (2021)
- On the genesis of directional friction through bristle-like mediating elements (2017)
- Stasis domains and slip surfaces in the locomotion of a bio-inspired two-segment crawler (2017)
- An avoiding cones condition for the Poincaré–Birkhoff Theorem (2017)
- Generalizing the Poincaré–Miranda theorem: the avoiding cones condition (2016)
- Periodic perturbations of Hamiltonian systems (2016)
- Liquid crystal elastomer strips as soft crawlers (2015)
- A permanence theorem for local dynamical systems (2015)
- Crawling on directional surfaces (2014)
Stefano Almi
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- A lower semicontinuity result for a free discontinuity functional with a boundary term (2017)
- Energy release rate and quasi-static evolution via vanishing viscosity in a fracture model depending on the crack opening (2017)
- Quasi-static hydraulic crack growth driven by Darcy's law (2016)
- Quasi-static crack growth in hydraulic fracture (2014)
Alice Ambrosio
2015-2016 -
Fosco Loregian
2015-2016Related publication(s):
Vito Crismale
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue (2018)
- Quasistatic crack growth based on viscous approximation: a model with branching and kinking (2017)
- Globally stable quasistatic evolution for strain gradient plasticity coupled with damage (2017)
- Viscous approximation of quasistatic evolutions for a coupled elastoplastic-damage model (2016)
- Globally stable quasistatic evolution for a coupled elastoplastic–damage model (2016)
Matteo Rizzi
2015-2016 -
Stefano Almi
2015-2016Related publication(s):
- A lower semicontinuity result for a free discontinuity functional with a boundary term (2017)
- Energy release rate and quasi-static evolution via vanishing viscosity in a fracture model depending on the crack opening (2017)
- Quasi-static hydraulic crack growth driven by Darcy's law (2016)
- Quasi-static crack growth in hydraulic fracture (2014)
Luca Battaglia
2014-2015Related publication(s):
- Moser–Trudinger inequalities for singular Liouville systems (2016)
- Existence and non-existence results for the SU(3) singular Toda system on compact surfaces (2016)
- A note on compactness properties of the singular Toda system (2015)
- A general existence result for the Toda system on compact surfaces (2015)
- Existence and multiplicity result for the singular Toda system (2015)
- A Moser-Trudinger inequality for the singular Toda system (2014)
- Remarks on the Moser–Trudinger inequality (2013)
Matteo Casati
2014-2015 -
Pavel Silveira Diaz
2014-2015Comparison results for fat sub-Riemannian structures and Linear Quadratic optimal control problems -
Piero Coronica
2014-2015Semistable vector bundles on bubble tree surfaces -
Lucia Tealdi
2014-2015Related publication(s):
- On the area of the graph of a piecewise smooth map from the plane to the plane with a curve discontinuity (2016)
- Semicartesian surfaces and the relaxed area of maps from the plane to the plane with a line discontinuity (2015)
- Anisotropic mean curvature on facets and relations with capillarity (2015)
- Results on the minimization of the Dirichlet functional among semicartesian parametrizations (2015)
Aleks Jevnikar
2014-2015Related publication(s):
- New existence results for the mean field equation on compact surfaces via degree theory (2016)
- A note on a multiplicity result for the mean field equation on compact surfaces (2016)
- A general existence result for the Toda system on compact surfaces (2015)
- A topological join construction and the Toda system on compact surfaces of arbitrary genus (2015)
- An existence result for the mean-field equation on compact surfaces in a doubly supercritical regime (2013)
Sina Türeli
2014-2015 -
Piero Coronica
2014-2015Semistable vector bundles on bubble tree surfaces -
Stefano Amato
2014-2015 -
Stefano Modena
2014-2015Related publication(s):
- A quadratic interaction estimate for conservation laws: motivations, techniques and open problems (2016)
- Quadratic interaction estimate for hyperbolic conservation laws, an overview (2016)
- Convergence rate of the Glimm scheme (2015)
- Quadratic Interaction Functional for General Systems of Conservation Laws (2015)
- On a quadratic functional for scalar conservation laws (2014)
- Quadratic interaction functional for systems of conservation laws: a case study (2014)
- A New Quadratic Potential for Scalar Conservation Laws (2013)
Elisa Paoli
2014-2015Related publication(s):
Dario Merzi
2014-2015 -
Domenico Monaco
2014-2015 -
Marks Botirboev...
2014-2015Related publication(s):
Riccardo Cristoferi
2014-2015Related publication(s):
Francesca Arici
2014-2015Related publication(s):
Gabriele Mancini
2014-2015 -
Dario Merzi
2014-2015 -
Domenico Monaco
2014-2015 -
Pavel Silveira Diaz
2014-2015Comparison results for fat sub-Riemannian structures and Linear Quadratic optimal control problems -
Giangiacomo Sanna
2013-2014 -
Alessandro Gentile
2013-2014Related publication(s):
Luca Rizzi
2013-2014 -
Marco Matassa
2013-2014 -
Mauro Bardelloni
2013-2014 -
Marco Matassa
2013-2014 -
Riccardo Scala
2013-2014Related publication(s):
- On the relaxed area of the graph of discontinuous maps from the plane to the plane taking three values with no symmetry assumptions (2019)
- Limit of viscous dynamic processes in delamination as the viscosity and inertia vanish (2017)
- Currents and dislocations at the continuum scale (2016)
- A compatible-incompatible decomposition of symmetric tensors in Lp with application to elasticity (2015)
- Quasistatic Evolution in Perfect Plasticity as Limit of Dynamic Processes (2014)
- Dislocations at the continuum scale: functional setting and variational properties (2014)
Tommaso Matteini
2013-2014 -
Dario Prandi
2013-2014Related publication(s):
- Spectral analysis and the Aharonov-Bohm effect on certain almost-Riemannian manifolds (2016)
- Complexity of Control-Affine Motion Planning (2015)
- Hölder equivalence of the value function for control-affine systems (2014)
- Self-adjoint extensions and stochastic completeness of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on conic and anticonic surfaces (2013)
Riccardo Montalto
2013-2014Related publication(s):
Tommaso Matteini
2013-2014 -
Alessandro Gentile
2013-2014Related publication(s):
Alessio Lo Giudice
2012-2013 -
Marco Bonacini
2012-2013Related publication(s):
- Stable regular critical points of the Mumford-Shah functional are local minimizers (2015)
- Local and global minimality results for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem on R^N (2014)
- Stability of equilibrium configurations for elastic films in two and three dimensions (2014)
- Epitaxially strained elastic films: the case of anisotropic surface energies (2013)
Alessandro Zucca
2012-2013 -
Fabio Tanturri
2012-2013 -
Mattia Pedrini
2012-2013 -
Lei Yu
2012-2013Related publication(s):
- Structure of entropy solutions to general scalar conservation laws in one space dimension (2014)
- Global Structure of Admissible BV Solutions to Piecewise Genuinely Nonlinear, Strictly Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in One Space Dimension (2014)
- SBV-like regularity for general hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in one space dimension (2012)
Andrea Pustetto
2012-2013 -
Gharchia Abdellaoui
2012-2013 -
Flaviana Iurlano
2012-2013Related publication(s):
- A density result for GSBD and its application to the approximation of brittle fracture energies (2014)
- Fracture models as Gamma-limits of damage models (2013)
- Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation of cohesive fracture models in linearized elasticity (2013)
- Fracture and plastic models as Gamma-limits of damage models under different regimes (2011)
- New approximation results for free discontinuity problems (2010)