To encourage the promotion of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science to students, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) supports the activities of local Student Chapters. Currently there are over 150 Chapters worldwide.
In Italy, the PoliMi Student Chapter (involving also Università degli Studi di Milano and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Brescia) has been founded in 2013, followed by the SISSA Student Chapter in 2015.
To promote mutual knowledge and networking among their students, the two Chapters, jointly with Emory Student Chapter (Atlanta, US), organize a new meeting, with lectures by two leading experts in Applied Mathematics and short presentations by the students on their research.
10.00-10.30 Registration
10.30-10.45 Opening
10.45-10.55 Presentation Chapter PoliMi
10.55-11.05 Presentation Chapter Emory
11.05-11.15 Presentation Chapter SISSA
11.15-11.40 Coffee break
11.40-12.30 Expert talk by Prof. Maurizio Grasselli: “The long and winding road toward mathematical rigor: an example from tumor growth modeling.”
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.50 Expert talk by Prof. Michele Piana: “Computational methods for data analysis: mathematical issues and applications to physics and physiology.”
14.50-15.10 Khazhgali Kozhasov, SISSA: "Symmetric tensors with only real eigenvectors"
15.10-15.30 Yunyi Hu, Emory University: "A Preconditioned Multi-spectral Tomography Problem with FISTA"
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-16.20 Luca Ratti, Politecnico di Milano: "Towards the identification of ischemic regions in the heart tissue: an inverse problem in cardiac electrophysiology"
16.20-16.40 Ivan Beschastnyi, SISSA: "Left-invariant optimal control problems"
16.40-17.00 Clarissa Garvey, Emory University: "Singular Value Decomposition Approximation via Kronecker Summations for Imaging Applications"
17.00-17.20 Nahuel Foresta, Politecnico di Milano: "Optimal stopping and Optimal switching for marked point processes"
17.20-17.30 Closing
Free participation, register at:
You can download the flyer of the event and find further information on the webpage of the event.