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Mathematics Area


Courses of the Academic Year 2024-2025

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Pasquale Claudio Africa Advanced programming 48 h September - January
Pasquale Claudio Africa Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations with deal.II 24 h January
Ugo Bruzzo Topics in advanced algebras 50 h October - December
Andrea Tobia Ricolfi Algebraic Geometry 50 h October-December
P.M. Hajac (IMPAN, Warsaw) C*-Algebras that one can see 20 h October
Pavlo Gavrylenko Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory 40 h October - December
Dan Anibal Aguero Cerna Topics on Poisson geometry 20 h January - February
Rafael Torres 4-manifolds 20 h October - January
Andrea Cangiani, Pasquale Claudio Africa Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing 48 h October-November
Nicola Gigli Measure theory on Polish spaces 20 h October - November
Ricardo Grande Izquierdo Wave kinetic equations: Global solutions and long-term behavior 20 h 1st April - 16th May
Andrea Braides Singular perturbations in fractional Sobolev spaces 40 h October - February
Gianluigi Rozza, Michele Girfoglio Applied mathematics: An introduction to scientific computing by numerical analysis 48 h October - January
Luca Rizzi Advanced geometry 2 50 h October - January
Massimiliano Berti Nash-Moser implicit function theorems and KAM theory 50 h October - December
Stefano Bianchini Topics in advanced analysis II 50 h October - January
Giovanni Noselli Topics in continuum mechanics 60 h October - February
Gianni Dal Maso An introduction to Gamma-convergence 60 h October - March
Emeric Roulley Dynamics of vortex-patches 20 h
Nicola Gigli Nonsmooth differential geometry 40 h November - February


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