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Master Courses

For more information about the courses offered by the University of Trieste (Department of Mathematics and Geoscience) for the Master Course in Mathematics, please visit the pages below, or the website of the university:

Master Courses of the Academic Year 2024-2025

Lecturer Title Duration Period CFU
Pasquale Claudio Africa Advanced programming 48 h September - January First Year
Pasquale Claudio Africa Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations with deal.II 24 h January
Gianluigi Rozza, Michele Girfoglio Applied mathematics: An introduction to scientific computing by numerical analysis 48 h October - January
Stefano Bianchini Topics in advanced analysis II 50 h October - January
Luca Rizzi Advanced geometry 2 50 h October - January
Alberto Maspero Functional analysis 48 h March - June
Gianluigi Rozza Topics in computational fluid dynamics 20 h April
Gianluigi Rozza Computational mechanics by reduced order methdos 20 h May

Master Courses of the Academic Year 2023-2024

Lecturer Title Duration Period CFU
Michele Girfoglio, Gianluigi Rozza Applied mathematics: an introduction to scientific computing by numerical analysis 48 h October - January 6 Second Year
Sandro Zagatti Advanced analysis - A 48 h October - January 6 First Year
Emanuel Carneiro Introduction to analytic number theory (Topics in Ad. Analysis 1) 50 h October - January 6 Second Year
Andrea Tobia Ricolfi Algebraic geometry 50 h October-January 6 First Year
Luca Rizzi Advanced Geometry 2 50 h October - January 6 First Year
Massimiliano Berti Linear and nonlinear bifurcation problems (Topics in Ad. Analysis 2) 50 h October - December 6 Second Year
Andrea Cangiani Introduction to numerical analysis and scientific computing with python 30 h 11-15 December

Master Courses of the Academic Year 2022-2023

Lecturer Title Duration Period CFU
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Applied Mathematics: an Introduction to Scientific Computing by Numerical Analysis 48 h October - December 6 Second Year

Master Courses of the Academic Year 2021-2022

Lecturer Title Duration Period CFU
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Applied Mathematics: an Introduction to Scientific Computing by Numerical Analysis 55 h October - January First Year
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Applied Mathematics: an Introduction to Scientific Computing by Numerical Analysis 55 h October - January Second Year
Sandro Zagatti Advanced Analysis - A 50 h October - January
Gianni Dal Maso Introduction to Elliptic Equations 50 h October-January Second Year


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