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Reduced Order Methods for Computational Mechanics

In this course we present reduced basis (RB) approximation and associated a posteriori error estimation for rapid and reliable solution of parametrized partial differential equations (PDEs). The focus is on rapidly convergent Galerkin approximations on a subspace spanned by "snapshots'"; rigorous and sharp a posteriori error estimators for the outputs/quantities of interest; efficient selection of quasi-optimal samples in general parameter domains; and Offline-Online computational procedures for rapid calculation in the many-query and real-time contexts.

Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • Introduction to CFD, examples.
  • Constitutive laws
  • Incompressible flows.
  • Numerical methods for potential and thermal flows
  • Boundary layer theory
  • Thermodynamics effects, energy equation, enthalpy and entropy
  • Vorticity equations
  • Introduction to turbulence
  • Numerical methods for viscous flows: steady Stokes equations
  • Stabilisation (SUPG) and inf-sup condition

POR FESR, "Underwater Blue Efficiency 2"

SISSA, è Partner del progetto UBE 2 (Underwater Blue Efficiency 2) che, come progetto di ricerca e sviluppo nell’ambito delle Tecnologie Marittime, è cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale.

European Industrial Doctorates, "Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Coupled Systems"

ROMSOC is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project in the programme Innovative Training Networks (ITN) and part of Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions within the Horizon 2020 programme. The ROMSOC EID Network brings together 15 international academic institutions and 11 industry partners and supports the recruitment of eleven Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Each ESR will be working on an individual research project in the host institution with secondments related to their research in other academic and industrial partners of the network.


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