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AJS - Analysis Junior Seminars 2016-2017

Date Speaker Seminar
November 11 Carolina Biolo Switching in time-optimal problem with co-dimension 1 control
November 18 Filippo Giuliani Quasi-periodic solutions for quasi-linear generalized KdV equations
November 25 Chiara Rigoni Metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below: basic definitions and calculus on them
December 2 Raffaele Scandone On Schrodinger equation with point interactions
January 13 Luca Tamanini Schrödinger problem and Optimal Transport: A Tale of Two Problems
January 20 Jonas Hirsch A Willmore minimizing Klein bottle in four Euclidean space
January 27 Alexander Tyulenev On Whitney type problems for Sobolev spaces
February 3 Gabriele Bogo G-functions and applications
February 17 Shokhrukh Kholmatov Minimizing movements for the mean curvature evolutions of partitions the space
February 24 Nicola Giuliani Understanding the basics: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of micro-swimmers
March 3 Giuliano Lazzaroni Linearisation of multi-well energies
March 10 Shafqat Ali Stabilized reduced basis methods for parametrized viscous flows
March 17 Enrico Pasqualetto Rectifiability properties of the finite dimensional RCD spaces
March 24 Francesco Ballarin Reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics, with application to cardiovascular flows
March 31 Felice Iandoli Almost global solutions for the quasi-linear Schrödinger equation with small periodic data
April 7 Maicol Caponi Linear hyperbolic systems in domains with growing cracks
May 5 Martin Hess Spectral Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
May 12 Giordano Cotti Deformations and Isomonodromic Deformations at an Irregular Singularity with Coalescing Eigenvalues
May 19 Giuseppe Pitton Arnoldi and Lanczos Methods in Approximation Theory
May 26 Lorenzo Nardini Dynamic Fracture. Existence, uniqueness, and quasistatic limit of dynamic evolutions for a peeling test in dimension one
June 9 Chiara Rigoni Strong maximum principle on RCD spaces
June 16 Elio Marconi Regularity estimates for solutions to scalar conservation laws
June 21 Janusz Ginster Macroscopic Plasticity as the $\Gamma$-Limit of a Nonlinear Dislocation Energy with Mixed Growth
July 13 Paolo Bonicatto A uniqueness result for the decomposition of vector fields in $\mathbb R^d$

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