You are hereHome Analysis Seminars 2018-2019 Date Time Room Speaker Seminar December 5 11:00A-133 Emanuele Haus (Univ. Naples) Quasi-periodic gravity water waves in finite depth January 10 14:00A-133 Lorenzo Mazzieri (Univ. Trento)Minkowski inequality for mean convex domains January 23 14:00A-128 Federico Bassetti (Politecnico Milano) Efficient computation of Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances and Wasserstein Barycenters between d-dimensional histograms February 28 14:30A-133 Elia Brue’Propagation of regularity for solutions of the incompressible continuity equation with non Lipschitz velocity field February 28 15:30A-133 Daniele Semola Polya-Szego Inequality and Dirichlet p-Spectral gap for non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below April 3 14:00A-133 Sara DaneriPattern formation for colloidal suspensions May 15 14:00A-135 Giona Veronelli Distance-like functions and Sobolev spaces on manifolds May 23 14:00A-133 Emanuel Carneiro Sobolev and BV regularity for maximal operators May 28 16:00A-136 Nicolò De PontiOptimal Entropy-Transport problems and distances Search form Search Links Call of interest for positions in mathematics at SISSA Public Calls for Professors Temporary Researchers Temporary Technologists Research Fellowships Open positions in MathLab SISSA Mathematical Fellowships PhD Scolarships SIS Fellowships Pre-PhD Fellowships MSc in Mathematics Master Degree in Data Science and Scientific Computing Professional Master Courses SISSA Mathematics Medals SISSA Springer Series Recent publications S. Bianchini; G.Maria Leccese, Existence and blow-up for non-... L. Gennaioli; N. Gigli; H.C. Zhang; X.P. Zhu, Comments on the regularity of... S. Piani; L. Heltai; N. Rotundo; W. Lei; P. Farrell, Data-driven solutions of ill-p... A. Agrachev; L. Rizzi; T. Rossi, Relative heat content asymptot...