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Non-Commutative Geometry Seminars

Weekly seminar of the group of Noncommutative Geometry, SISSA and Università di Trieste.

The main topics cover:

  • noncommutative spaces, spectral triples and Dirac operators;
  • quantum spaces and quantum group deformations;
  • noncommutative gauge theories.
  • For more information, contact Paolo Antonini

Date Speaker Seminar
May 28, 2018 Bartosz Kosma Kwasniewski Invitation to Hilbert C*-modules and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras III
May 21, 2018 Bartosz Kosma Kwasniewski Invitation to Hilbert C*-modules and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras II
May 18, 2018 Bartosz Kosma Kwasniewski Invitation to Hilbert C*-modules and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras I
May 4, 2018 Bram Mesland KK-Theory in Geometry and Physics
April 23, 2018 Adam Skalski Translation invariant Dirichlet forms in the context of locally compact quantum groups
April 16, 2018 Yang Liu Modular curvature and hypergeometric functions
April 11, 2018 Albert Sheu Line bundles over multipullback quantum complex projective spaces
March 19, 2018 Koen van den Dungen The Kasparov product on open manifolds
March 12, 2018 Simone Cecchini Callias-type operators in $C^*$-algebras and positive scalar curvature on noncompact manifolds
March 5, 2018 Xiao Han Principal fibrations over noncommutative spheres - part 2
February 26, 2018 Xiao Han Principal fibrations over noncommutative spheres
February 19, 2018 Alessandro Carotenuto Differential calculus on Jordan algebras and modules
February 5, 2018 David Evans The reconstruction programme in conformal field theory and K-theory
October 23, 2017 Ludwik Dabrowski On noncommutative geometry of the Standard Model
October 16, 2017 Michel Dubois-Violette Quantum geometry, exceptional quantum geometry and particle physics
October 5, 2017 Koen van den Dungen Families of spectral triples and foliations of space(time)
September 28, 2017 Jacopo Bassi The C* algebra of the horocyclic flow
September 22, 2017 Paolo Antonini Lie manifolds and geodesic flow
September 14, 2017 Jacopo Bassi Spectral triples on the Jang-Su algebra
September 13, 2017 Joachim Zacharias Constructing spectral triples on C* algebras
September 6, 2017 Giovanni Landi Noncommutative products of Euclidean spaces
June 19 , 2017 Marek Bożejko Generalized Fock spaces, second quantization and ultra-contractivity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups
June 7, 2017 Koen van den Dungen Spectral flow and index theory for families of unbounded operators
May 23, 2017 Alexander Strohmaier Index theory for hyperbolic operators
May 17, 2017 Nicola Ciccoli Quantum duality principle for homogeneous spaces
March 31, 2017 Paolo Antonini Morita equivalence for topological groupoids
March 21, 2017 Xiao Han Spin-c structure on M and Morita equivalence of Cl(M) with C(M)
February 17, 2017 Todor Popov Landau problem, magnetic translations and noncommutative tori
February 3, 2017 M. Hajac Noncommutative Borsuk-Ulam-type conjectures revisited
February 3, 2017 Mariusz Tobolski A Noncommutative Borsuk-Ulam theorem for free actions of compact groups with torsion
January 20, 2017 Paolo Antonini Boundary value problems for Dirac operators
January 13, 2017 Koen van den Dungen Unbounded Kasparov product from families of operators
December 16, 2016 Harold Bustos Rieffel-Kasprzak Deformation and Applications
June 24, 2016 Jacopo Bassi Spectral Triples on Inductive Limit C*-Algebras
June 22, 2016 Tommaso Isola Spectral triples for noncommutative solenoidal spaces from self-coverings
May 20, 2016 Ludwik Dabrowski Are compact quantum groups noncontractible?
April 19, 2016 Tajron Jurić Some examples of NCQFT and NC metric
April 15, 2016 Paolo Antonini Non-integrable Lie algebroids
April 1, 2016 Sara Azzali Spectral invariants eta and rho of Dirac operators
February 16, 2016 Raju Roychowdhury Mathematical Foundation of Emergent Gravity
December 18, 2015 Teoman Turgut Some ideas for BEC on a manifold
December 07, 2015 Teoman Turgut Heat kernel approach to singular problems
December 03, 2015 John Barrett Random non-commutative geometries
December 02, 2015 John Barrett The non-commutative geometry of defects
November 19, 2015 Pierre Martinetti On twisting real spectral triples, Part II
November 13, 2015 Pierre Martinetti On twisting real spectral triples
October 23, 2015 Koen van den Dungen Krein Spectral Triple and the Fermionic Action
October 16, 2015 Michel Dubois-Violette A remarkable algebra connected with combinatorics and parastatics
October 9, 2015 Tomasz Brzezinski Complex geometry of the noncommutative pillow

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