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Advanced FEM techniques

Course Type: 
PhD Course
Academic Year: 
June - July
20 h

This is an advanced monographic course on nonconcofming FEM, with particular focus on discontinuous Galerkin methods. The course, together with the complementary course “Advanced topics on the analysis of Finite Element Methods” lectured by Prof. L. Heltai during the same period, will cover in depth the formulation, analysis and practical implementation of nonconforming FEMs.

  1. Nonconforming methods: motivations
  2. Classical nonconforming FEM
    • Meshes and broken spaces
    • The Crouzeix-Raviart element
    • A posteriori error analysis
    • Application: fluids problems
  3. Discontinuous Galerkin (dG) FEM
    • dG time-stepping
    • dG for steady transport problems
    • Numerical fluxes
    • dG for elliptic problems
    • A posteriori error analysis
    • Application: fluids problem
  4. Extensions to polygonal/polyhedral meshes
  5. Nonconforming methods for forth-order problems

The material of the course will be made available here:

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Room A-134 on June 1, 6, 13, 20, 22; Room A-005 on June 8, 15; Room A-133 on July 4,6
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