Geometry and Mathematical Physics


Courses of the Academic Year 2009-2010

Lecturer Title Duration Period
I. Mencattini Infinite dimensional Lie algebras 40 h October-June
M. Spreafico Whitehead torsion and simple homotopy theory 40 h October-June

Courses of the Academic Year 2008-2009

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Barbara Fantechi Intersection Theory 40 h October-June
Ludwik Dabrowski Introduction to Noncommutative Riemaniann Spin Geometry 40 h October-June
Gianluca Panati Introduzione alla dinamica quantistica 40 h October-June
Alessandro Tanzini Topological Gauge Theories 40 h October-June
Ugo Bruzzo Meccanica superiore 40 h October-June
Barbara Fantechi Algebraic Geometry 40 h October-June
Gherardo Piacitelli Operator Fields, BPHZ Renormalisation, and Kreimerology 40 h October-June
Barbara Fantechi Algebraic Stacks 40 h October-June
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Quantum Mechanics 40 h October-June
Boris Dubrovin From integrable systems to Riemann surfaces 40 h October-June
Cesare Reina Representation Theory 40 h October-June
Ludwik Dabrowski Geometria differenziale 40 h October-June
Ugo Bruzzo Special Metrics on Vector Bundles 40 h October-June
Cesare Reina Geometrical Aspects of Gauge Theories 40 h October-June
Gregorio Falqui Integrable Systems and Lie Algebras 40 h October-June

Courses of the Academic Year 2007-2008

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Tamara Grava Riemann surfaces and nonlinear waves 40 h October-June
Ugo Bruzzo Geometria Differenziale II - Geometria Riemanniana, teoria di Hodge 40 h October-June
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics 40 h October-June


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