Geometry and Mathematical Physics


Courses of the Academic Year 2021-2022

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Marcello Porta Advanced Mathematical Physics A 60 h March-June
Alexander Bufetov Point processes and random measures 20 h April-May
Danilo Lewański Introduction to Topological Recursion theory and moduli spaces of curves 20 h April-May

Courses of the Academic Year 2020-2021

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Yang Liu Elements of Noncommutative Geometry II 20 h October-March
Nicolò Sibilla Topics in Mirror Symmetry 20 h March-June
Davide Guzzetti Linear ODEs in the complex domain and Isomonodromy Deformations 30 h October-January
Rafael Torres Almost-complex and generalized complex geometries 35 h January-March
Alessandro Tanzini Introduction to Topological Field Theories 40 h April-May
Ugo Bruzzo Derived Functors 40 h October-December
Tamara Grava Riemann Surfaces and Integrable Systems 40 h February-March
Rafael Torres Differential Geometry 50 h March-June
Andrea Ricolfi Localisation in Enumerative Geometry 20 h March-May
Fabio Deelan Cunden Theory and Applications of Random matrices 20 h February-March
Fernando Villegas (ICTP) Advanced topics in algebra 48 h March-May
Rafael Torres 3-manifolds 60 h October-December
Ludwik Dabrowski Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry 40 h October-March
Don Zagier From 3-manifold invariants to number theory 40 h Spring 2021
Yegor Zenkevich Affine Lie algebras and Physics 20 h October-January
Barbara Fantechi Algebraic Geometry 60 h October-January
Andrew Kels Discrete Integrable Systems 20 h October - November


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