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Poles of Integrale Tritronquee and Anharmonic Oscillators. Asymptotic localization from WKB analysis

TitlePoles of Integrale Tritronquee and Anharmonic Oscillators. Asymptotic localization from WKB analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMasoero, D
JournalNonlinearity. vol. 23, (2010), page 2501-2507

Poles of integrale tritronquee are in bijection with cubic oscillators that admit the simultaneous solutions of two quantization conditions. We show that the poles lie near the solutions of a pair of Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions (the Bohr-Sommerfeld-Boutroux system): the distance between a pole and the corresponding solution of the Bohr-Sommerfeld-Boutroux system vanishes asymptotically.


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