Title | Resonance and Landesman-Lazer conditions for first order systems in R^2 |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Garrione, M |
Journal | Le Matematiche |
Volume | 66 |
Pagination | 153–160 |
Abstract | The first part of the paper surveys the concept of resonance for $T$-periodic nonlinear problems. In the second part, some new results about existence conditions for nonlinear planar systems are presented. In particular, the Landesman-Lazer conditions are generalized to systems in $\mathbbR^2$ where the nonlinearity interacts with two resonant Hamiltonians. Such results apply to second order equations, generalizing previous theorems by Fabry [4] (for the undamped case), and Frederickson-Lazer [9] (for the case with friction). The results have been obtained with A. Fonda, and have been published in [8]. |
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