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Bertola M, Lee SY. First colonization of a spectral outpost in random matrix theory. Constr. Approx. [Internet]. 2009 ;30:225–263. Available from:
Bertola M, Gorini V, Moschella U, Schaeffer R. Correspondence between Minkowski and de Sitter quantum field theory. Phys. Lett. B. 1999 ;462:249–253.
Bertola M, Tovbis A. Maximal amplitudes of finite-gap solutions for the focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Comm. Math. Phys. [Internet]. 2017 ;354:525–547. Available from:
Bertola M, El G, Tovbis A. Rogue waves in multiphase solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Proc. A. [Internet]. 2016 ;472:20160340, 12. Available from:
Bertola M. Biorthogonal polynomials for two-matrix models with semiclassical potentials. J. Approx. Theory. 2007 ;144:162–212.
Bertola M, Cafasso M. The gap probabilities of the tacnode, Pearcey and Airy point processes, their mutual relationship and evaluation. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications [Internet]. 2013 ;02:1350003. Available from:
Bertola M, Cafasso M. Darboux Transformations and Random Point Processes. IMRN. 2014 ;rnu122:56.
Bertola M. Free energy of the two-matrix model/dToda tau-function. Nuclear Phys. B. 2003 ;669:435–461.
Bertola M, Lee SY. First colonization of a hard-edge in random matrix theory. Constr. Approx. [Internet]. 2010 ;31:231–257. Available from:
Bertola M, Gouthier D. Warped products with special Riemannian curvature. Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.). 2001 ;32:45–62.
Bertola M, Dubrovin B, Yang D. Correlation functions of the KdV hierarchy and applications to intersection numbers over $\overline\CalM_g,n$. Phys. D [Internet]. 2016 ;327:30–57. Available from:
Bertola M, Gekhtman M, Szmigielski J. The Cauchy two–matrix model. Comm. Math. Phys. 2009 ;287:983–1014.
Bertola M, Tovbis A. Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with complex varying quartic weight: global structure, critical point behavior and the first Painlevé equation. Constr. Approx. [Internet]. 2015 ;41:529–587. Available from:
Bertola M, Eynard B. The PDEs of biorthogonal polynomials arising in the two-matrix model. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 2006 ;9:23–52.
Bertola M, Cafasso M. Riemann–Hilbert approach to multi-time processes: The Airy and the Pearcey cases. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena [Internet]. 2012 ;241:2237 - 2245. Available from:
Bertola M, Eynard B, Kharnad D. The duality of spectral curves that arises in two-matrix models. Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 2003 ;134:32–45.
Bertola M, Gekhtman M, Szmigielski J. Cubic string boundary value problems and Cauchy biorthogonal polynomials. J. Phys. A [Internet]. 2009 ;42:454006, 13. Available from:
Bertola M. Frobenius manifold structure on orbit space of Jacobi groups. II. Differential Geom. Appl. 2000 ;13:213–233.
Bertola M, Korotkin D, Norton C. Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates. Inventiones Mathematicae [Internet]. 2017 :1–56. Available from:
Bertola M, Katsevich A, Tovbis A. On Sobolev instability of the interior problem of tomography. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2016 .
Bertola M, Gekhtman M. Biorthogonal Laurent polynomials, Töplitz determinants, minimal Toda orbits and isomonodromic tau functions. Constr. Approx. 2007 ;26:383–430.
Bertola M, Gekhtman M, Szmigielski J. Strong asymptotics for Cauchy biorthogonal polynomials with application to the Cauchy two-matrix model. J. Math. Phys. 2013 ;54:043517, 25.
Bertola M, Gekhtman M, Szmigielski J. Cauchy-Laguerre two-matrix model and the Meijer-G random point field. Comm. Math. Phys. [Internet]. 2014 ;326:111–144. Available from:
Bertola M, Elias Rebelo JG, Grava T. Painlevé IV Critical Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials in the Complex Plane. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry. Methods and Applications. 2018 ;14.
Bertola M, Eynard B, Harnad J. Differential systems for biorthogonal polynomials appearing in 2-matrix models and the associated Riemann-Hilbert problem. Comm. Math. Phys. 2003 ;243:193–240.


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