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Caputo E, Gigli N, Pasqualetto E. Parallel transport on non-collapsed $\mathsfRCD(K,N)$ spaces. 2021 .
Fonda A, Klun G, Sfecci A. Periodic Solutions of Second-Order Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces. [Internet]. 2021 ;18(5):223. Available from:
Girfoglio M, Quaini A, Rozza G. A POD-Galerkin reduced order model for a LES filtering approach. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2021 ;436. Available from:
Star K, Stabile G, Rozza G, Degroote J. A POD-Galerkin reduced order model of a turbulent convective buoyant flow of sodium over a backward-facing step. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021 ;89:486-503.
Heltai L, Bangerth W, Kronbichler M, Mola A. Propagating geometry information to finite element computations. Transactions on Mathematical Software. 2021 ;47(4):1--30.
Tezzele M, Demo N, Mola A, Rozza G. PyGeM: Python Geometrical Morphing. Software Impacts. 2021 ;7:100047.
Berti M, Feola R, Franzoi L. Quadratic life span of periodic gravity-capillary water waves. Water Waves [Internet]. 2021 ;3:85–115. Available from:
Julin V, Saracco G. Quantitative lower bounds to the Euclidean and the Gaussian Cheeger constants. Ann. Fenn. Math. 2021 ;46:1071–1087.
Hundertmark D, Jex M, Lange M. Quantum Systems at The Brink. Existence and Decay Rates of Bound States at Thresholds; Critical Potentials and dimensionality. arXiv:2107.14128. 2021 :8.
Mulita O, Giani S, Heltai L. Quasi-optimal mesh sequence construction through Smoothed Adaptive Finite Element Methods. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 2021 .
Dal Maso G, Sapio F. Quasistatic Limit of a Dynamic Viscoelastic Model with Memory. [Internet]. 2021 . Available from:
De Masi L. Rectifiability of the free boundary for varifolds. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 2021 ;70:2603–2651.
Karatzas EN, Nonino M, Ballarin F, Rozza G. A Reduced Order Cut Finite Element method for geometrically parametrized steady and unsteady Navier–Stokes problems. Computer & Mathematics With Applications [Internet]. 2021 . Available from:
Strazzullo M, Zainib Z, Ballarin F, Rozza G. Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019. Vol. 139. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019. Springer; 2021. pp. 841–850. Available from:
Strazzullo M, Zainib Z, Ballarin F, Rozza G. Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. In: Vermolen FJ, Vuik C Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. Available from:
Star K, Sanderse B, Stabile G, Rozza G, Degroote J. Reduced order models for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on collocated grids using a `discretize-then-project' approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids [Internet]. 2021 ;93:2694–2722. Available from:
Rossi T. The relative heat content for submanifolds in sub-Riemannian geometry. Actes du séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie. 2021 ;36.
Violo IYuri. A remark on two notions of flatness for sets in the Euclidean space. 2021 .
Nobili F, Violo IYuri. Rigidity and almost rigidity of Sobolev inequalities on compact spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds. 2021 .
De Philippis G, Marini M, Mukoseeva E. The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana [Internet]. 2021 ;37(6):2191 - 2228. Available from:
Mukoseeva E. The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality (the case of p-capacity). Advances in Calculus of Variations [Internet]. 2021 . Available from:
Giani S, Grubisic L, Heltai L, Mulita O. Smoothed-adaptive perturbed inverse iteration for elliptic eigenvalue problems. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics. 2021 ;21:385-405.
Saracco G. A sufficient criterion to determine planar self-Cheeger sets. J. Convex Anal. [Internet]. 2021 ;28(3):951--958. Available from:
Demo N, Tezzele M, Rozza G. A supervised learning approach involving active subspaces for an efficient genetic algorithm in high-dimensional optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2021 ;43(3). Available from:
Berti M, Franzoi L, Maspero A. Traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. [Internet]. 2021 ;240:99–202. Available from:


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