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A geometric approach to the separability of the Neumann-Rosochatius system. Differential Geom. Appl. 21 (2004) 349-360 [Internet]. 2004 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/2541
. On the geometric origin of the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the Calogero-Moser system. Int. Math. Res. Not. (2010) 2010:279-296 [Internet]. 2010 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/3800
. Explicit formulas for relaxed disarrangement densities arising from structured deformations. SISSA; 2015. Available from: http://urania.sissa.it/xmlui/handle/1963/34492
. Second-order structured deformations. SISSA; 2016.
. Invariants, volumes and heat kernels in sub-Riemannian geometry. [Internet]. 2011 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/6124
. On 2-step, corank 2 nilpotent sub-Riemannian metrics. SIAM J. Control Optim., 50 (2012) 559–582 [Internet]. 2012 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/6065
. Curvature terms in small time heat kernel expansion for a model class of hypoelliptic Hörmander operators. Nonlinear Analysis [Internet]. 2017 ;164:118 - 134. Available from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0362546X17302298
. An improved geometric inequality via vanishing moments, with applications to singular Liouville equations. Communications in Mathematical Physics 322, nr.2 (2013): 415-452 [Internet]. 2013 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/6561
. The decomposition of optimal transportation problems with convex cost. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from: http://urania.sissa.it/xmlui/handle/1963/7475
. Supercritical conformal metrics on surfaces with conical singularities. Int Math Res Notices (2011) 2011 (24): 5625-5643 [Internet]. 2011 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/4095
. A bridging mechanism in the homogenisation of brittle composites with soft inclusions. SISSA; 2015. Available from: http://urania.sissa.it/xmlui/handle/1963/7492
. Homogenization of fiber reinforced brittle materials: the extremal cases. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 41 (2009) 1874-1889 [Internet]. 2009 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/2705
. The deal.II Library, Version 8.1. SISSA; 2013. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/7236
. The deal.II library, Version 8.4. JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [Internet]. 2016 ;24:135–141. Available from: https://www.math.clemson.edu/ heister/preprints/deal84-preprint.pdf
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. Degenerate KAM theory for partial differential equations. Journal of Differential Equations. 2011 ;250:3379-3397.
. A Birkhoff-Lewis-Type Theorem for Some Hamiltonian PDEs. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 37 (2006) 83-102 [Internet]. 2006 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/2159
. Finite dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili τ-functions. I. Finite Grassmannians. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from: http://urania.sissa.it/xmlui/handle/1963/34952
. Equilibrium measures for a class of potentials with discrete rotational symmetries. SISSA; 2013. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/7230
. Hankel determinant approach to generalized Vorob'ev-Yablonski polynomials and their roots. Constr. Approx. [Internet]. 2016 ;44:417–453. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00365-016-9328-4
. Strong asymptotics of the orthogonal polynomials with respect to a measure supported on the plane. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. [Internet]. 2015 ;68:112–172. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpa.21541
. Weighted quantile correlation test for the logistic family. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from: http://urania.sissa.it/xmlui/handle/1963/35025
. Regularity of a vector potential problem and its spectral curve. J. Approx. Theory [Internet]. 2009 ;161:353–370. Available from: http://0-dx.doi.org.mercury.concordia.ca/10.1016/j.jat.2008.10.010
. Stable determination of an immersed body in a stationary Stokes fluid. Inverse Problems [Internet]. 2010 ;26:125015. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0266-5611%2F26%2F12%2F125015