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Bonelli G, Fucito F, Morales JFrancisco, Ronzani M, Sysoeva E, Tanzini A. Gauge theories on compact toric manifolds. 2020 .
Bonelli G, Maruyoshi K, Tanzini A. Gauge Theories on ALE Space and Super Liouville Correlation Functions. Lett. Math. Phys. 101 (2012) 103-124 [Internet]. 2012 . Available from:
Bonelli G, Tanzini A, Jian Z. Vertices, vortices & interacting surface operators. JHEP 06(2012)178 [Internet]. 2012 . Available from:
Bonelli G, Sciarappa A, Tanzini A, Vasko P. The stringy instanton partition function. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Bonelli G, Maruyoshi K, Tanzini A. Instantons on ALE spaces and Super Liouville Conformal Field Theories. SISSA; 2011. Available from:
Bonelli G, Maruyoshi K, Tanzini A, Yagi F. N=2 gauge theories on toric singularities, blow-up formulae and W-algebrae. SISSA; 2013. Available from:
Bonelli G, Maruyoshi K, Tanzini A. Quantum Hitchin Systems via beta-deformed Matrix Models. SISSA; 2011. Available from:
Bonelli G, Sciarappa A, Tanzini A, Vasko P. Vortex Partition Functions, Wall Crossing and Equivariant Gromov–Witten Invariants. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Bonechi F, Cattaneo AS, Iraso R. Comparing Poisson Sigma Model with A-model. Journal of High Energy Physics [Internet]. 2016 ;2016:133. Available from:
Bonechi F, Cattaneo AS, Iraso R, Zabzine M. Observables in the equivariant A-model.; 2018. Available from:
Bonaschi GA, Van Meurs P, Morandotti M. Dynamics of screw dislocations: a generalised minimising-movements scheme approach. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Bonacini M. Stability of equilibrium configurations for elastic films in two and three dimensions. Advances in Calculus of Variations [Internet]. 2014 ;8(2):117-153. Available from:
Bonacini M, Morini M. Stable regular critical points of the Mumford-Shah functional are local minimizers. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis [Internet]. 2015 ;32(3):533-570. Available from:
Bonacini M, Cristoferi R. Local and global minimality results for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem on R^N. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis [Internet]. 2014 ;46(4):2310-2349. Available from:
Bonacini M. Epitaxially strained elastic films: the case of anisotropic surface energies. ESAIM Control. Optim. Calc. Var. 19 (2013) 167-189 [Internet]. 2013 . Available from:
Bonacini M. Minimality and stability results for a class of free-discontinuity and nonlocal isoperimetric problems. 2013 .
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Boissiere S, Mann E, Perroni F. A model for the orbifold Chow ring of weighted projective spaces. Comm. Algebra 37 (2009) 503-514 [Internet]. 2009 . Available from:
Boissiere S, Mann E, Perroni F. Crepant resolutions of weighted projective spaces and quantum deformations. This article will be published in 2011 in the \"Nagoya Mathematical Journal\" Volume 201, March 2011, Pages 1-22, under the title \"Computing certain Gromov-Witten invariants of the crepant resolution of P{double-strock}(1, 3, 4, 4) [Internet]. 2011 . Available from:
Boissiere S, Perroni F, Mann E. The cohomological crepant resolution conjecture for P(1,3,4,4). [Internet]. 2007 . Available from:
Boiardi AS, Noselli G. Minimal actuation and control of a soft hydrogel swimmer from flutter instability. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids [Internet]. 2024 ;191:105753. Available from:
Boiardi AS, Marchello R. Breaking the left-right symmetry in fluttering artificial cilia that perform nonreciprocal oscillations. [Internet]. 2024 . Available from:
Bogomolov F, Lukzen E. Stable vector bundles on the families of curves. 2020 .
Boffi D, Gastaldi L, Heltai L. A distributed lagrange formulation of the finite element immersed boundary method for fluids interacting with compressible solids. In: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Vol. 16. Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. pp. 1–21. Available from:
Boffi D, Cangiani A, Feder M, Gastaldi L, Heltai L. A comparison of non-matching techniques for the finite element approximation of interface problemsImage 1. Computers & Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2023 ;151:101-115. Available from:


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