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Geometric Analysis

Regularity theory for geometric variational problems

The course will focus on  the partial regularity theory for Lambda-minimisers of the perimeter and its application to geometric variational problems. As time permits, also the study of the singular set will be addressed. 

Interacting Diffusions, Optimal Transport and Extended Metric Measure Geometry

Abstract: The study of interacting particles has been a central subject in statistical physics. The goal of this course is to study interacting infinitely many Brownian motions with long range interaction by using methods from extended metric measure geometry and optimal transport theory.  The lectures will cover several topics from the following subjects:

Geometric Analysis

Research topics

  • Spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below
  • Spaces with sectional curvature bounded from below
  • Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of manifolds
  • Analysis in metric measure spaces
  • Geometric measure theory in low regularity
  • PDEs in metric measure spaces
  • Gradient flows in non-smooth setting
  • Optimal transport


Research Group

Visiting Professors


Main External Collaborators


  • SIR: Nonsmooth Differential Geometry - RBSI147UG4

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