Research Group:
Dmitry Shepelsky
Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 16:00 to 17:00
We study the initial value problem for the integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger (NNLS) equation with the initial conditions of two types: (i) decaying at infinity initial conditions;(ii) step-like initial data: Our main tool is the adaptation of the nonlinear steepest-decent method to the study of Riemann-Hilbert problems associated with the NNLS equation with the specified boundary conditions.In case (i), our main result is that, in contrast to the conventional (local) NLS equation, the power decay rate as t goes to infinity depends on the ratio x/t.For case (ii), since our equation is not translation invariant, we explore the dependence of the asymptotic scenarios on shifts of the step-like initial data.