Research Interests:
Research Groups:
Personal Info
Essential Bio:
- 09.2013–02.2017 Post-doc in the group of Gianni Dal Maso, SISSA, Trieste (supported by his ERC Advanced Grant QuaDynEvoPro)
- 05.2011–08.2013 Assistant in the group of Anja Schlömerkemper, Chair of Mathematics in the Sciences, University of Würzburg (partly granted by the DFG-project SCHL 1706/2-1)
- 12.2010–04.2011 Post-doc in the group of Anja Schlömerkemper, Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn (granted by the DFG-project SCHL 1706/2-1)
- 12.2009–11.2010 Post-doc in the group of Jean-Jacques Marigo and Corrado Maurini, Institut d'Alembert, Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie (granted by the Fédération francilienne de mécanique)
- 11.2006–10.2009 PhD under the supervision of Gianni Dal Maso, SISSA, Trieste
- 10.2006 Master's degree under the supervision of Gianni Dal Maso, University of Trieste (granted by SISSA)
- 10.2004 Bachelor under the supervision of Francesco Fassò, University of Padua (granted by INdAM)
PhD in Applied Mathematics discussed on October 26, 2009
PhD Supervisor(s):