Personal Info
Birth: 23rd January 1996 in Bologna;
Bachelor degree: 15th December 2017 in Mathematics, summa cum laude (supervisor: A. Parmeggiani);
Master degree: 25th October 2019 in Mathematics, summa cum laude (supervisor: A. Parmeggiani);
PhD studend since: 1st October 2019 in Mathematical Analysis (supervisors: M. Berti & A. Maspero);
Phd Thesis: Benjamin-Feir Instability in Stokes Waves; defense date: 29th September 2023; examination board: W. Strauss, B. Deconinck, C. Sulem, L. Vega, M. Berti, A. Maspero.
ERC postdoc at University of Milan: 1st October 2023 - 30th September 2026 (in the group of R. Montalto).
1) M. Berti, A. Maspero, P. Ventura: Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes, Inventiones Mathematicae;
2) M. Berti, A. Maspero, P. Ventura: Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves, Rendiconti Lincei, Matematica e Applicazioni;
3) M. Berti, A. Maspero, P. Ventura: On the analyticity of the Dirichlet-Neumann opera-tor and Stokes waves, in memory of Antonio Ambrosetti, Rendiconti Lincei, Matematica e Applicazioni .
4) M. Berti, A. Maspero, P. Ventura: Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in finite depth. to appear on Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.
5) M. Berti, A. Maspero, P. Ventura: Stokes waves at the critical depth are modulationally unstable. Paper submitted for publication.