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Mini Workshop Mathematics Area

Friday, November 29, 2019 - 11:30 to 17:00
Additional Information: 
On Friday November 29, in Room 133 (morning) and Room 004 (afternoon) we will hold a mini-workshop internal to the Area of Mathematics to showcase the research lines of our colleagues.
The goal is to create a greater awareness of what our colleagues are doing and maybe create an occasion to foster collaborations.  
Students, professors, and passers-by are most welcome.
The schedule is as follows; titles and abstracts follow.
11:30-12:10    Jacopo Stoppa         "Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation (with variable metric)”
12:15-13:30    Lunch                          
13:30-14:10    Gianni Dal Maso       “On the jerky crack growth in elastoplastic materials”
14:15-14:55    Massimiliano Berti   “Long time dynamics of water waves”
15:00-15:30    Break
15:30-16:10    Alessandro Tanzini  “Supersymmetry and special functions“
16:15-16:55    Andrei Agrachev      “Asymptotic Homology“
Jacopo Stoppa 
Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation (with variable metric)
Abstract: The deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills (dHYM) equation is a complex geometry version of the special Lagrangian condition. It requires a holomorphic analogue of the Lagrangian phase to be constant. I will give a brief introduction to this interesting, generally unsolved elliptic PDE on compact Kaehler manifolds. Then I will explain recent joint work with Enrico Schlitzer in which we propose and study a generalised dHYM system involving both the Lagrangian phase and radius, at the same time. The basic idea is that the Lagrangian radius should be used for coupling to the scalar curvature of a variable metric. The precise form of the equations is fixed by an infinite dimensional moment map interpretation, generalising work of R. Thomas, T. Collins - S.T. Yau and others. 
Massimiliano Bertl
Long time dynamics of water waves
Abstract: In this talk I will present an overview about  bifurcation results of small amplitude quasi-periodic solutions of water waves equations, and related Hamiltonian PDEs, as well as as Birkhoff normal form techniques to prove long time existence results for the 
solutions of the initial value problem.

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