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Research fields
- geometry, in particular algebraic, differential, and noncommutative geometry, also with applications to quantum field and string theory
- mathematical analysis, in particular calculus of variations, control theory, partial and ordinary differential equations
- mathematical modelling, in particular mechanics of solids and fluids, modelling of complex and biological systems, multiscale analysis
- mathematical physics, in particular integrable systems and their applications, nonlinear partial differential equations, mathematical aspects of quantum physics
- numerical analysis and scientific computing, applied to partial differential equations and to control problems
PhD and MSC courses:
- Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Applications
- MSc in Mathematics (Laurea Magistrale in Matematica) in collaboration with the University of Trieste
- Master Degree in Data Science and Scientific Computing in collaboration with the Universities of Trieste and Udine, and with ICTP
- Joint SISSA-ICTP professional Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC)
- SISSA MathLab: a laboratory for mathematical modeling and scientific computing
- SAMBA a laboratory in collaboration with the Cognitive Neuroscience Group
Area Coordinator
Massimiliano Berti, Professor
Stefano Bianchini, Professor
Andrea Braides, Professor
Ugo Bruzzo, Professor
Ludwik Dabrowski, Professor
Gianni Dal Maso, Professor
Antonio De Simone, Professor
Gregorio Falqui, Professor
Barbara Fantechi, Professor
Nicola Gigli, Professor
Antonio Lerario, Professor
Marcello Porta, Professor
Gianluigi Rozza, Professor
Jacopo Stoppa, Professor
Alessandro Tanzini, Professor
Andrea Cangiani, Associate Professor
Tamara Grava, Associate Professor
Davide Guzzetti, Associate Professor
Igor Krasovsky, Associate Professor
Alberto Maspero, Associate Professor
Giovanni Noselli, Associate Professor
Andrea Ricolfi, Associate Professor
Luca Rizzi, Associate Professor
Nicolò Sibilla, Associate Professor
Rafael Torres, Associate Professor
Ricardo Grande Izquierdo, Assistant Professor
Pasquale Claudio Africa, Assistant Professor
Pavlo Gavrylenko, Assistant Professor
Beatrice Langella, Assistant Professor
Federico Pichi, Assistant Professor
Davide Riccobelli, Assistant Professor
Niccolò Tonicello, Assistant Professor
Former Faculty Members
Former ProfessorsVisiting Professors
Rodica Toader, Università di Udine
Andrea Mola, IMT Lucca
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio, Visiting Professor