External Lecturer:
Luca Heltai - Gianluigi Rozza
Course Type:
PhD Course
Anno (LM):
Second Year
Academic Year:
48 h
- Luca Heltai (luca.heltai@sissa.it)
- Gianluigi Rozza (gianluigi.rozza@sissa.it)
Syllabus 2016-2017
Frontal Lectures (about 24h), Interleaved with Laboratories (about 24h): total 48h, 6 CFU
Frontal Lectures
Review Lectures
- Basic concepts of Vector spaces and norms
- Well posedness, condition numbers, Lax Richtmyer theorem
- Polynomial based approximations (Lagrange interpolation, Bernstein polynomials, Bsplines approximations)
- Quadrature rules and orthogonal polynomials
- Solution methods for Linear Systems: direct, iterative and least square methods
- Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors
- Solution methods for non-Linear systems
- Review of ODEs
- Review of FEM/Lax Milgram Lemma/Cea’s Lemma/Error estimates
- High order methods/high continuity methods
Mathematical Modeling
- Data assimilation in biomechanics, statistics, medicine, electric signals
- Model order reduction of matrices
- Linear models for hydraulics, networks, logistics
- State equations (real gases), applied mechanics systems, grow population models, financial problems
- Applications of ODEs
- example in electric phenomena, signals and dynamics of populations (Lotke-Volterra)
- Models for prey-predator, population dynamics, automatic controls
- Applications of PDEs, the poisson problem
- Elastic rope
- Bar under traction
- Heat conductivity
- Maxwell equation
Advanced Numerical Methods and Models
A short introduction on a selection of following topics:
- Non conforming Finite Element Methods
- Mixed Finite Element Methods
- Darcy’s equation
- Stokes
Introductory lectures
- Introduction to Python, Numpy, Scipy
- Exercise on Condition numbers, interpolation, quadratures
- Using numpy for polynomial approximation
- Using numpy for numerical integration
- Using numpy/scipy for ODEs
- Working with numpy arrays, matrices and nd-arrays
- Solving non-linear systems of equations
Advanced lectures
- Object oriented programming in numerical analysis
- Review of best practices in programming for numerical analysis
- Working project: ePICURE (Python Isogeometric CUrve REconstruction)
- Solution of one dimensional PDEs using Finite Elements
- From one dimensional FEM to N-dimensional exploiting tensor structure of certain finite elements
Students projects
- Application of the Finite Element Method to the solution of models taken from the course
Research Group:
A-134 Frontal Lectures and A-003 Laboratories