1. Review of theory of ODEs: examples, classification, existence and uniqueness of solutions.
2. Simple methods: explicit and implicit Euler, convergence, stability analysis, properties.
3. High order classical methods:
• Runge–Kutta methods: construction, explicit, implicit, IMEX, collocation methods, error and stability analysis, properties, the Butcher tableau.
• Multistep methods: explicit, implicit methods, error and stability analysis, convergence.
4. Iterative explicit high order methods: Deferred Correction (DeC), Arbitrary Derivative (ADER) methods, properties, stability and convergence analysis.
5. Unconditionally positivity preserving schemes: implicit Euler, high order schemes, modified Patankar schemes and their stability and convergence analysis.
6. Entropy conservative high order schemes: relaxation Runge–Kutta methods.
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