Geometry and Mathematical Physics


Courses of the Academic Year 2015-2016

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ben Mares Gauge theory and differential invariants 40 h Spring 2016
Rafael Torres Smooth 4-manifolds 40 h From Jan 22
The Atiyah Singer index theorem 20 h From February 2016
Ugo Bruzzo Toric geometry 40 h From Feb 3
Marco Bertola Random Matrices and applications 40 h Spring 2016
Marco Bertola Total positivity and cluster algebras 20 h Spring 2016
Peter Pickl Many-body Quantum Dynamics and Non-linear Effective Evolution Equations 20 h 29 Feb - 11 Mar
Kenji Yajima Linear and Non-Linear Schrodinger Equations: Well-Posedness, Scattering 40 h May - June 2016
Cesare Reina Representation Theory 60 h Spring 2016
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Algebraic Methods for Quantum Theories 20 h Spring 2016
Alessandro Tanzini Introduction to topological field theory 40 h Spring 2016
Anton Mellit Knots, Hall algebras and symmetric functions 20 h
Alexander Tikhomirov Geometric Invariant Theory 40 h May-June
Cesare Reina Geometry of Yang-Mills fields 80 h June-September
Tamara Grava Riemann surfaces and integrable systems 40 h Spring 2016

Courses of the Academic Year 2014-2015

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ludwik Dabrowski Introduction to non commutative geometry 40 h From October 6
Gherardo Piacitelli Quantum mechanics and operator algebras 40 h From October 14
Davide Guzzetti Introduction to linear ODE's in the complex domain 20 h From October 29
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Topics in the mathematics of quantum mechanics 20 h From October 17
Gleb Smirnov Introduction to quantum cohomology, derived categories and mirror symmetry 20 h From October 8


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