Geometry and Mathematical Physics


Courses of the Academic Year 2014-2015

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ugo Bruzzo Algebraic Geometry (Sheaf cohomology) 30 h From October 10
Boris Dubrovin Differential Geometry 60 h From October 13
F. Villegas, Don Zagier Partitions and Modular Forms 20 h From October 13
Jacopo Vittorio Scalise Problem solving class on Algebraic Geometry 15 h From October 14
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Advanced topics in Quantum Mechanics 20 h April-May
Self-adjoint operators in Mathematical Physics 40 h February-April
Fabio Perroni Moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces 20 h From March
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Advanced topics in quantum mechanics 20 h From April 29
Tamara Grava Riemann surfaces and integrable systems 20 h From February
Self-adjoint operators in mathematical physics 40 h From February 11
Ugo Boscain Geometric Control Theory 20 h April-May

Courses of the Academic Year 2013-2014

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Gherardo Piacitelli Quantum Mechanics 20 h October-November
Tamara Grava Integrable Systems 40 h October-December
Cesare Reina Mathematical Physics 40 h October-December
Barbara Fantechi Algebraic Geometry 40 h October-November
Alessandro Tanzini Topological Field Theory 40 h October-May
Q. Chen Characteristic Classes 40 h October-November
Barbara Fantechi Intersection Theory 20 h Spring
Fabio Perroni Moduli Spaces of Curves 20 h from March
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Field Theory 20 h from April (after Easter)


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