Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Applications


Courses of the Academic Year 2014-2015

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ugo Boscain Geometric Control Theory 20 h April-May
Philippe Bolle An introduction to KAM theory 20 h May 3rd - May 18th
Massimiliano Morini Minimizing movements and nonlocal geometric flows 20 h May-June
Jean Marc Delort Global solutions of Klein-Gordon type equations and semi-classical microlocal normal forms 20 h June 9th - June 20th

Courses of the Academic Year 2013-2014

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Davide Marenduzzo Introduction to the Physics of Active Matter 20 h September-October
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Introduction to Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing 40 h October-January
Sandro Zagatti Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore 1 50 h October-January
Gianni Dal Maso Introduction to Elliptic Equations 50 h October-January
Sandro Zagatti Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations 20 h November-January
Antonio De Simone Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, Fluids, and Biological Systems 40 h November-January
Andrea Malchiodi Nonlinear Analysis and Bifurcation Theory 20 h January-May
Stefano Bianchini Optimal Transportation 60 h January-March
Andrei Agrachev Optimal Control 60 h December-April
Gianluigi Rozza Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 h February-June
Luca Heltai Topics in Scientific Computing for the Solution of PDEs 20 h February-June
Luca Giomi Topics in the mechanics of soft and bio-materials 20 h May-June
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Advanced Topics in Numerical Solutions of PDEs 20 h February-June
Giovanni Noselli Topics in the Mechanics of Solids 20 h February-June
Antonio De Simone Mechanobiology of the Cell 20 h February-June
Massimiliano Berti Nonlinear Analysis and Dynamical Systems 40 h December-February


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