Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Applications


Courses of the Academic Year 2015-2016

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Giuliano Lazzaroni Finite Elasticity and Fracture 20 h May 2016
Luca Heltai Advanced Finite Element Analysis 20 h May - June
Luca Heltai Advanced Topics in Numerical Modelling of PDEs: Part II 20 h March 2016
Non-linear mechanics of soft active materials: theory and applications 20 h May - Jun. 2016

Courses of the Academic Year 2014-2015

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Alfio Quarteroni Fluid-Structure Interaction 6 h September
Stefano Luzzatto Introduction to Smooth Ergodic Theory 20 h October-December
Massimiliano Berti An introduction to PDEs 50 h October-January
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Applied Mathematics - Introduction to Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing 60 h October-February
Gianni Dal Maso BV functions 60 h October-February
Antonio De Simone Continuum Mechanics 40 h October-December
Sandro Zagatti Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations 20 h November-January
Nicola Gigli Spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below 60 h December-April
Andrea Malchiodi Variational Methods 60 h January-April
Antonio De Simone Mechanics of Biological Locomotion 40 h January-March
Andrei Agrachev Introduction to Sub-Riemannian geometry 60 h January-April
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Advanced Topics in Numerical Solutions of PDEs 20 h February-June
Gianluigi Rozza Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 h February-June
Maria Giovanna Mora Mathematical theory of plasticity 20 h March-May
Giovanni Bellettini The Plateau problem and related questions 40 h March-May
Mechanics of Polymer Gels 20 h April - May


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