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Bihamiltonian Hierarchies in 2D Topological Field Theory At One-Loop Approximation

TitleBihamiltonian Hierarchies in 2D Topological Field Theory At One-Loop Approximation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsDubrovin, B, Youjin, Z
JournalComm. Math. Phys. 198 (1998) 311-361

We compute the genus one correction to the integrable hierarchy describing coupling to gravity of a 2D topological field theory. The bihamiltonian structure of the hierarchy is given by a classical W-algebra; we compute the central charge of this algebra. We also express the generating function of elliptic Gromov - Witten invariants via tau-function of the isomonodromy deformation problem arising in the theory of WDVV equations of associativity.


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