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Discrete one-dimensional crawlers on viscous substrates: achievable net displacements and their energy cost

TitleDiscrete one-dimensional crawlers on viscous substrates: achievable net displacements and their energy cost
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsNoselli, G, Tatone, A, DeSimone, A
KeywordsCell migration

We study model one-dimensional crawlers, namely, model mechanical systems that can achieve self-propulsion by controlled shape changes of their body (extension or contraction of portions of the body), thanks to frictional interactions with a rigid substrate. We evaluate the achievable net displacement and the related energetic cost for self-propulsion by discrete crawlers (i.e., whose body is made of a discrete number of contractile or extensile segments) moving on substrates with either a Newtonian (linear) or a Bingham-type (stick-slip) rheology. Our analysis is aimed at constructing the basic building blocks towards an integrative, multi-scale description of crawling cell motility.


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