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Error bounds for a deterministic version of the Glimm scheme

TitleError bounds for a deterministic version of the Glimm scheme
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsMarson, A, Bressan, A
JournalArch. Rational Mech. Anal. 142 (1998), no. 2, 155-176

Consider the hyperbolic system of conservation laws $u_t F(u)_x=0. Let $u$ be the unique viscosity solution with initial condition $u(0,x)=\\\\bar u(x)$ and let $u^\\\\varepsilon$ be an approximate solution constructed by the Glimm scheme, corresponding to the mesh sizes $\\\\Delta x,\\\\Delta t=O(\\\\Delta x). With a suitable choise of the sampling sequence, we prove the estimate $$ \\\\left\\\\Vert u^\\\\varepsilon(t,\\\\cdot)-u(t,\\\\cdot) \\\\right\\\\Vert_1=o(1)\\\\cdot\\\\sqrt{\\\\Delta x}\\\\vert\\\\ln\\\\Delta x\\\\vert. $$


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