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Gauge Theories on ALE Space and Super Liouville Correlation Functions

TitleGauge Theories on ALE Space and Super Liouville Correlation Functions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBonelli, G, Maruyoshi, K, Tanzini, A
JournalLett. Math. Phys. 101 (2012) 103-124

We present a relation between N=2 quiver gauge theories on the ALE space O_{P^1}(-2) and correlators of N=1 super Liouville conformal field theory, providing checks in the case of punctured spheres and tori. We derive a blow-up formula for the full Nekrasov partition function and show that, up to a U(1) factor, the N=2^* instanton partition function is given by the product of the character of \\\\hat{SU}(2)_2 times the super Virasoro conformal block on the torus with one puncture.


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