Title | Young towers for product systems |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Luzzatto, S, Ruziboev, M |
Journal | Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A |
Volume | 36 |
Pagination | 1465 |
ISSN | 1078-0947 |
Abstract | We show that the direct product of maps with Young towers admits a Young tower whose return times decay at a rate which is bounded above by the slowest of the rates of decay of the return times of the component maps. An application of this result, together with other results in the literature, yields various statistical properties for the direct product of various classes of systems, including Lorenz-like maps, multimodal maps, piecewise $C^2$ interval maps with critical points and singularities, Hénon maps and partially hyperbolic systems. |
URL | http://aimsciences.org//article/id/18d4526e-470d-467e-967a-a0345ad4c642 |
DOI | 10.3934/dcds.2016.36.1465 |
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