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Dal Maso G, Murat F. Asymptotic behaviour and correctors for linear Dirichlet problems with simultaneously varying operators and domains. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré. Anal. Non Linéaire 21 (2004), (4), p. 445-486. [Internet]. 2004 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Negri M, Percivale D. Linearized elasticity as gamma-limit of finite elasticity. Set-Valued Anal. 10 (2002), p.165-183 [Internet]. 2002 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Francfort GA, Toader R. Quasi-static evolution in brittle fracture: the case of bounded solutions. Quad. Mat. Dip. Mat. Seconda Univ. Napoli 14 (2004) 245-266 [Internet]. 2004 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Toader R. Quasistatic crack growth in elasto-plastic materials: the two-dimensional case. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 196 (2010) 867-906 [Internet]. 2010 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Carere G, Leaci A, Pascali E. Limits of obstacle problems for the area functional. Partial differential equations and the calculus of variations : essays in honor of Ennio De Giorgi. - Boston : Birkhauser, 1989. - p. 285-309 [Internet]. 1989 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Fonseca I, Leoni G, Morini M. Higher order quasiconvexity reduces to quasiconvexity. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 171 (2004) 55-81 [Internet]. 2004 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Heltai L. A numerical study of the jerky crack growth in elastoplastic materials with localized plasticity. Journal of Convex Analysis [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Defranceschi A. Limits of nonlinear Dirichlet problems in varying domains. (Italian). Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. (8) 81, 1987, no. 2, 111-118 [Internet]. 1987 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Larsen CJ, Toader R. Existence for constrained dynamic Griffith fracture with a weak maximal dissipation condition.; 2015. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Paderni G. Integral representation of some convex local functionals. Ricerche Mat. 36 (1987), no. 2, 197-214 [Internet]. 1987 . Available from:
Dal Maso G. Convergence of unilateral convex sets. Optimization and related fields (Erice, 1984). Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1986, Lecture notes in mathematics, v.1190, p. 181-190 [Internet]. 1986 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, De Cicco V. Evans-Vasilesco theorem in Dirichlet spaces. Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. vol. 19, Issue 7, (1999), pages : 1-15 [Internet]. 1999 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Musina R. An approach to the thin obstacle problem for variational functionals depending on vector. Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 14 (1989), no.12, 1717-1743. [Internet]. 1989 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Morel J-M, Solimini S. A variational method in image segmentation: existence and approximation result. Acta Math. 168 (1992), no.1-2, p. 89-151 [Internet]. 1992 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Orlando G, Toader R. Fracture models for elasto-plastic materials as limits of gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: the antiplane case. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations [Internet]. 2016 ;55:45. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Ebobisse F, Ponsiglione M. A stability result for nonlinear Neumann problems under boundary variations. J.Math. Pures Appl. (9) 82 (2003) no.5 , 503 [Internet]. 2003 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, DeSimone A. Quasistatic evolution for Cam-Clay plasticity: examples of spatially homogeneous solutions. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 19 (2009) 1643-1711 [Internet]. 2009 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Garroni A. Gradient bounds for minimizers of free discontinuity problems related to cohesive zone models in fracture mechanics. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 31 (2008) 137-145 [Internet]. 2008 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Defranceschi A. Correctors for the homogeneization of monotone operators. Differential Integral Equations 3 (1990), no.6, p.1151-1166. [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:
Dal Maso G. Generalised functions of bounded deformation. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), to appear [Internet]. 2011 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Fonseca I, Leoni G, Morini M. A higher order model for image restoration: the one dimensional case. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 40 (2009) 2351-2391 [Internet]. 2009 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Fonseca I, Leoni G. Analytical validation of a continuum model for epitaxial growth with elasticity on vicinal surfaces. [Internet]. 2013 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Larsen CJ, Toader R. Existence for elastodynamic Griffith fracture with a weak maximal dissipation condition.; 2018. Available from:
Dal Maso G, Lazzaroni G. Quasistatic crack growth in finite elasticity with non-interpenetration. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire 27 (2010) 257-290 [Internet]. 2010 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Lazzaroni G, Nardini L. Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a peeling test in dimension one. Journal of Differential Equations [Internet]. 2016 ;261:4897 - 4923. Available from:


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