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Bonaschi GA, Van Meurs P, Morandotti M. Dynamics of screw dislocations: a generalised minimising-movements scheme approach. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Bonacini M. Stability of equilibrium configurations for elastic films in two and three dimensions. Advances in Calculus of Variations [Internet]. 2014 ;8(2):117-153. Available from:
Bonacini M, Morini M. Stable regular critical points of the Mumford-Shah functional are local minimizers. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis [Internet]. 2015 ;32(3):533-570. Available from:
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Bonacini M. Minimality and stability results for a class of free-discontinuity and nonlocal isoperimetric problems. 2013 .
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